2022 Election Day Thread

Filed in Delaware by on November 8, 2022

Headed out early.  Got sign duty for the D candidates in my district, then greeting at the polls until noon.

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  1. Joe Connor says:

    Polls till 10 in Claymont then acting as personal Uber Eats driver in the 21st for Greeter lunches.

  2. El Somnambulo says:

    Modest line forming at Claymont Boys & Girls Club. Polls opening soon.

  3. RE Vanella says:

    Solid dozen people in line at J.E. Johnson Elementary (formally Highlands Elementary). 3 machines smooth sailing.

  4. bamboozer says:

    I voted at about 8:30, parking lot overfull with the farmers and their famed 20 foot long pickups, backed in to park (Of course) and standing around bullshitting. No lines to vote, walked in, showed my license and voted. Half suspect assorted old fools are still hanging out there.

    • jason330 says:

      Whats with the modern mania for backing in? Who hurt these people in their childhoods?

      • Derrick Dodenweiser says:

        You are going to have to back up to leave unless you can pull through so may as well get it out of the way first.

      • Arthur says:

        I’m pretty sure its a requirement for all pickem up drivers. Because there is nothing better than watching someone look down at a screen and try to back up into a spot 4 times before finally getting it straight

      • NascarDad says:

        Those of us who remember working on DuPont sites years ago recall that many of their facilities had back-in only rules for safety. I got chewed out once for it as a young man so I’ll count that toward my parking trauma

  5. Arthur says:

    Was able to vote pretty easily at mckean and then highlands. Little bit of a wait when i voted at north star

  6. Down in Sussex says:

    It was packed at Beacon Middle School in Lewes this morning. The line was out of the door and around the sidewalk.

  7. jason330 says:

    Larger than usual crowd at Crossroads in the 9th. (Maybe 10 min wait) Some MAGA election integrity doofuses outside.

    I assume they were election integrity doofuses because I overheard one saying “So let us know if you see anything fishy.” to another.

  8. Another Mike says:

    No wait at the senior center on Governor Printz. Larry Lambert and Kyle Gay were outside. Larry doesn’t even have an opponent. No doofuses visible.

  9. David Carter says:

    Verizon has access to the Blackbird Community Center Voting Location from Rt. 13 blocked (Blackbird Forest Road Closed), with people turning back and going home since they can’t get to the voting location. It is a few extra miles, but they can go down to Black Diamond Road and then backtrack to get in from the west. I am still trying to get through to the Department of Elections to see if they can correct the problem.

  10. jason330 says:

    SO reports a huge line at Crossroads. Did a machine maybe go down? Or possible record midterm turnout?

  11. BlueJayWay says:

    Same thing happened to me today as what happened with the primary. I was told I needed to give my name to an employee of the senior living facility and submit to a temperature check before I was allowed into the polling area. This was after we were assured by the Department of Elections that it would not be an issue today. Am I not allowed to vote if I have a fever? What if the front desk employee at the facility did not think I looked like someone who would vote the way he wanted me to? This seems like a very slippery slope to disenfranchisement.

  12. ben says:

    I go at the same time every election. 9am. Kind of a tradition to earn myself a bagel w lox sando.
    Voted (twice;) ) by mail in 2020, so can’t count that. Been voting at this location since 2014.

    This was the busiest I’ve ever seen it by far. Whatever happens, it’ll be big. I’m thinking complete magat blowout.