Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread Tuesday November 8 2022

Spoiler Alert – this a very perfunctory OPenThread.
Fill the comments section with any news item you find compelling.  It will probably be my only news source through 11pm or so.
On this date in 1923

Beer Hall Putsch begins

Adolf Hitler, president of the far-right Nazi Party, launches the Beer Hall Putsch, his first attempt at seizing control of the German government.

Not 1914, but this week

PRISTINA, Nov 7 (Reuters) – Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti accused Belgrade of trying to destabilise Kosovo by supporting Serbs who work as police officers and in the public sector quitting over Pristina’s order to use Kosovo vehicle licence plates not those issued by Serbia.

The long-running licence plate dispute has stoked tensions between Serbia and its former province of Kosovo, which gained independence in 2008 and is home to a Serb minority in the north that is backed by Belgrade.

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