Coonsian Obsequious Apologies for Being Democrats are So 2014

Filed in National by on November 10, 2022

Fetterman never apologized. He never went into a defensive crouch and tried to answer Oz’s bullshit about crime. He was just mocked the shit out of Oz, said “Let’s go after these greedy corporations.”

What If – Hear Me Out – Democrats Are Popular?

I really do think that since 1994 the party has been apologizing for itself. Maybe I don’t always make it clear enough, but “actually some of this stuff is popular and you should embrace it” is part of the basic lefty Dem critique. Maybe full communism isn’t the way, but I think they are all a bit embarrassed by whatever the Republicans are snarling about on cable news that day and perhaps it’s the Republicans who should be embarrassed.

Litter boxes? Just get on TV and mock that shit.

I regularly tell the tale of the ex-senator from Florida (ok it’s been like 14 years so I will name him now as it wasn’t even off the record- Bill Nelson) who explained that he couldn’t support a minimum wage ballot initiative because if he did the Chamber of Commerce would nuke him with ads. His point wasn’t that the minimum wage initiative was unpopular, it was that they’d run $10 million worth of ads calling him a pedo terrorist or whatever.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. NascarDad says:

    I wouldn’t say Democrats are popular; groups like WFP have a great local ground game but I don’t see it as a national movement (yet). The public just found the Republican brand too unpalatable this time around.

    A week or so ago El Somm asked about the most dangerous Republican. If the economy remains sour and Trump continues to catch heat for poor midterm performance, the path is clear for DeSantis. His brand is more polished and less chaotic. The hardcore trumpists were always fair weather friends and they will align themselves with anyone capable of executing their vision.

    • Jason330 says:

      Dem policies always poll very well. We just don’t have the guts to run on them.

    • puck says:

      I’d like to think DeSantis’s fascist stance won’t travel well outside of Florida. I’m probably wrong on that.

      • Alby says:

        It won’t travel well enough to win a presidential election. He has the charisma of a used condom and speaking voice to match. And if even 3% of the Trump fans follow their anus-mouthed god and refuse to vote for Ronnie, that’s the ballgame.

        I don’t think most of you appreciate how ugly the Trump-DeSantis throwdown is going to get. Or how viciously vindictive Trump is. Or that a lot of the bozo brigade votes for him personally. DeSantis will never have that kind of cult of personality.

        We’re far from out of the woods, but I think it’s all uphill from here for the GOP. They had every advantage and this is the best they could do.

  2. puck says:

    Mockery of the rich used to be an American art form. But Fetterman used accurate mockery, and won. Maybe Dems are afraid of winning if they have to offend the rich to do it.