Breaking – Trump Announces Independent Bid for Prez & Formation of New MAGA Party

Filed in National by on November 15, 2022

This headline is me “manifesting” this outcome. I thought of it this morning based on Trump’s hatred of both Republicans and Democrats.

It would be the dream scenario. If it comes to pass today – You’re welcome.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Arthur says:

    I said this last week. It would be the best scenario for the dems and it would allow trump to expand his grift. maybe coons could help him fundraise with those who are still sitting on the fence

    • jason330 says:


      Yeah, I guess you did say it in a prior comment, but I never thought of it as remotely possible until Trump fucked up the mid-terms so badly for the GOP.

      A third party bid is perfect for him. He can keep fleecing the suckers who love him while never being required to produce ANY electoral results.

  2. puck says:

    But not before he has fatally damaged the Republican nominee in a vicious primary campaign and convention battle.

  3. bamboozer says:

    Love It! Fight on until death!!! In addition I add Show number two whose boss!

  4. puck says:

    After their red wave debacle, one scenario is Republicans will pretend their only problem is “election denial” rather than their fascist and pro-rich platform. So they will look for a non-Trump candidate with the “same policies” but minus the election denial. Still a loser though, unless they maybe have some star quality that appeals to enough people.

    • bamboozer says:

      Puck essentially gets it right, at some point the same old song and dance fails. Admit as an old ex New Yorker have had enough of Trump 50 years ago, also suspect that most Americans have had enough as well. And it’s about time.

    • puck says:

      And after getting beat on abortion, it will be fun to watch Repubs try to mute the topic. Some far-right candidate will always be able to win a few key primary states by calling their Republican opponent soft on abortion.

  5. Arthur says:

    Did he announce yet? I thought it was going to be on the 14th? or is it going to happen at the same joint press conference where lindell provides all the proof of the rigged election