Reforest Delaware

Filed in National by on November 15, 2022

Planting 1 million trees is great. Planting 5 million trees would be awesome. It is a little early for New Years resolutions but I think I’m going to set a goal planting 10 trees in 2023.

After more than a year, the “Tree for Every Delawarean Initiative” is still moving toward its goal of planting one million trees to mirror the First State’s population.

The initiative is part of Delaware’s Climate Action Plan, which Governor John Carney introduced last year in order to reduce the state’s greenhouse gas emissions while improving its resilience to the consequences of climate change.

According to the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, the state is already experiencing the effects of climate change, with higher temperatures, longer summers, rising sea levels, and increasing precipitation. With the help of DNREC and the Delaware Forest Service, Delaware began using tree-planting as one of its strategies to enhance the quality of water and air, protect the soil, and sustain wildlife.

“Trees also need management,” said Kesha Braunskill, the urban and community forestry coordinator of the Delaware Forest Service. “We really want to make sure that folks are really thinking about their trees and their communities as infrastructure, just like they think about their sidewalks and roads.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (16)

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  1. This depends on where trees are planted. Poor communities suffer from a lack of tree cover, making conditions more unbearably hot than they need be.

    I want to see WHERE the trees are planted, not just IF the trees are planted.

    Here’s an article to get you started:

    • Boris says:

      For cripes sake. Leave it to a Lefty to find fault with planting a tree.

      • puck says:

        If newly planted trees are not maintained, especially street trees, they die and the whole thing becomes an exercise in greenwashing.

      • You’re an idiot. Planting trees can have tremendous value–if they are planted where they’ll do some good.

        Reforesting heat deserts is doing good–just as working with communities in those neighborhoods to build neighborhood gardens is doing good.

        BTW, labeling someone a ‘lefty’ isn’t thoughtful analysis, especially over here.

        • Alby says:

          And yet it does more good if it also reduces the heat island effect in cities.

          Why do MAGAts pride themselves on showing their ignorance? We all know you’re inferior — why do you feel the need to prove it?

  2. puck says:

    I plan on getting a few potted pine trees this year, to light up and put outdoors by my front door for the holidays, and then to plant them in the spring. I should have been doing this all along.

    Anybody know where to get live burlapped Christmas trees for a decent price? No more than 4ft because the root balls get too heavy to move. I prefer white pine, which is not a popular Christmas tree but it is consistent with other trees in my yard and neighborhood.

  3. Alby says:

    Northern Delaware forest cover is being decimated by emerald ash borer. Saw lots of bare trees last summer.

    • Yep. It’s why ash bats are no longer used in MLB. We had to cut down two ash trees this year. Makes great firewood, though.

    • mediawatch says:

      Our civic association is assessing residents $250/year for four years to cover removal/replacement of trees victimized by emerald ash borer.

  4. Boris says:

    No doubt the borers are mega MAGA bugs. The bastards.

    • Alby says:

      No, these are the borers.

      MAGAts are just bores.

      • Alby says:

        Judging by that weak reply, yours is not.

        You can always tell when the MAGAts are feeling bad about themselves again.

      • Alby says:

        BTW, you were blocked for sock puppetry, not your feeble mind. Though that didn’t help.

        • Alby says:

          Boris/Lenny: We block assholes. Mostly MAGAts, but assholes of other stripes as well.

          We’re not interested in “debating” anything with you. I get that you’re frustrated by the fact that the shit you believe and believe in is no longer popular, but them’s the breaks in a democracy.

          You’re greedy, you’re frightened and you’re stuck in the past. Why you think those conditions will improve if you troll liberals is something you should take up with a mental health professional.

          • Alby says:

            Dude, I wasn’t the one who banned you.

            We’re not here to give a platform to people like you. Start your own blog. Who’s stopping you?

  5. bamboozer says:

    Well…. Have two acres, seems I need to get busy. Miss my late wife, by now she would have planted a forest or two. And there would be 20 cats here.