Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread Tuesday November 22 2022

Will she recuse herself?  The Federalist Society magic 8 Ball says, “We didn’t put you there to recuse yourself.” 

Amy Coney Barrett urged to step away from gay rights case because of faith affiliation

Former members of Amy Coney Barrett’s secretive faith group, the People of Praise, are calling on the US supreme court justice to recuse herself from an upcoming case involving gay rights, saying Barrett’s continued affiliation with the Christian group means she has participated in discriminatory policies against LGBTQ+ people.

The former members are part of a network of “survivors” of the controversial charismatic group who say Barrett’s “lifelong and continued” membership in the People of Praise make her too biased to fairly adjudicate an upcoming case that will decide whether private business owners have a right to decline services to potential clients based on their sexual orientation.

I’m always amazed when rich white people get actual jail time.  

Reality TV Tax Cheats  Sentenced for Bank Fraud, Tax Evasion

Reality TV stars Todd and Julie Chrisley were sentenced Monday to lengthy prison terms after being convicted earlier this year on charges including bank fraud and tax evasion.

U.S. District Judge Eleanor Ross in Atlanta gave Todd Chrisley 12 years in prison plus 16 months of probation, while Julie Chrisley got seven years behind bars and 16 months of probation, news outlets reported.

The Chrisleys gained fame with their show “Chrisley Knows Best,” which follows their tight-knit, boisterous family. Federal prosecutors said the couple engaged in an extensive bank fraud scheme and then hid their wealth from tax authorities while flaunting their lavish lifestyle.

If you’ve ever accidentally watched even a minute of the show “Chrisley Knows Best,”  you know how much these a-holes deserve prison time.  

Let’s not politicize this overtly political act of domestic terrorism. M’kay? 

World’s Shittiest Take on Colorado Springs Domestic Terror Attack

Americans are once again reeling in the face of unspeakable tragedy, after a mass shooting at a Colorado Springs gay bar left five dead and at least 25 injured. But while we collectively mourn, some cynical actors on the Left are grotesquely exploiting this unspeakable horror to take partisan cheap shots.

Because the shooting occurred at a gay bar, some have leapt to assume that it was a targeted anti-gay hate crime. They went on to then cast blame on Republicans for supposedly fomenting anti-LGBT sentiment—saying this makes them culpable in the shooting.

, CO-FOUNDER OF BASEDPOLITICS  writing for Newsweek

Brad has appeared on major TV and radio programs like Fox Business, Fox News, Sky News, BlazeTV, Newsmax TV, the Glenn Beck Radio Show, and more.


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