Investigate Hunter Biden? Have At It, Fellas

Filed in National by on November 23, 2022

Right-wing trolls who visit the site all make the same mistake — they think we’re cheering for our football team vs. their football team, and so we must love the players on our football team the way they love their players, no matter how vile.

Trolls should do an archive search on how this blog has felt about the Bidens over the years. Joe is far from admired or revered. And as little love as we’ve shown Joe, we’ve shown none at all for his wayward son Hunter, who always played Goofus to Beau’s Gallant. Some pity for his addiction problems, but that’s about it.

I can’t speak for my colleagues, but I actually welcome an investigation of Hunter Biden, for two reasons.

First, think of all the more damaging ways the Republicans could be wasting their time. I’m sure they’ll pursue lots of damaging courses of action, but most of them will involve harming lots of average people. This one won’t hurt anyone but Hunter Biden and by extension Joe, so the more time and energy they spend on this, the less they’ll spend abusing those scary, scary trans kids.

Second, there’s always the slim possibility that this will lay bare the deep-seated rot in our political system that sees the relatives of politicians use that connection to peddle their services, usually as lobbyists. That’s an ugly feature of our system that nobody ever addresses because a majority of the people who enter “public service” do it for themselves, not the public, and they don’t want their own dirty laundry aired.

So go for it, Republicans. If they think this will bring them the support of average Americans, well, fuck around and find out.

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  1. jason330 says:

    Hunter Biden, fuck that guy. Also, fuck criminal ex-presidents and their crime families.

    Being a republican has come to mean having a lot of blind spots where it comes to ignoring crimes.

    • Alby says:

      That’s the reason I’m all for this. The contrast between the Trump crime family’s clumsy corruption and the Bidens’ penny-ante influence peddling is so blatant that even the mainstream media is bound to notice.

  2. bamboozer says:

    Same here, notice nothing has been specified about what’s on the famed laptop, if there was anything the Republicans would have been shouting it from the mountaintops. Notice their primary “evidence” is the endless repetition of Hunter Biden’s laptop. Whip it out says I, notice their now claiming there’s stuff about old Joe on there as well. I admit it, the endless barrage of stupidity and political theater does make me want to smack assorted far righties, and more then a few Dems as well.

  3. Andrew C says:

    Bingo. We’re opening to investigating corrupt political families now? Awesome! Ivanka and Don Jr. and Eric are just down the road. I am okay with this trade-off. Hunter Biden is not running for political office any time soon. He’ll relapse someday and die. But the Trump children? We’re stuck with them for 40 more years. (Well, the verdict is still out on Tiffany and Barron, though the latter should be investigated for just being so freakishly tall.) Prosecute them now.

  4. ScarletWoman says:

    A nod to our darling Lappy TM, but beware the ides of laptops, Caesar! All sorts of mischief can result.