The DEGOP did some post election soul searching…

Filed in National by on December 1, 2022

…and decided that the way back to power is by way of Trump-style election denialism and conspiracy theorizing.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. DJT Toadstool says:

    Luckily, Julianne Murray is the real Governor of Delaware according to WGMD and will fix this.

    • jason330 says:

      lol. Yeah, I mean what election results are they even questioning? Ramone won a squeaker and the statewides were all blow outs.

      Maybe they think Ramone didn’t really win?

  2. jason330 says:

    And, you know how the voters are all very into Trump-style election denialism and conspiracy theorizing. I’m sure this will be a big winner for them going forward.

  3. bamboozer says:

    I think the voters who are slack of jaw and light of education will still like the voter fraud game, the rest of us not so much. Believe Kari Lake is not only making a fool of herself but is also dragging the stop the steal game down with her. So sad. But also think assorted fruitcakes will continue to beat that dead horse, potentially for years.
    And on a lighter note the absurd claims about Hunter Biden’s famed laptop (a.k.a. Lappy) will be a bust as well, no matter how fast Jim Jordan talks.

    • Al Catraz says:

      “ I think the voters who are slack of jaw and light of education will still like the voter fraud game, the rest of us not so much.”

      Yes, but we need a majority.

      (apologies to Adlai Stevenson)

  4. SussexWatcher says:

    Jane Brady’s got to do something to mollify her base of Kent & Sussex wingnuts and keep some meager cash flow. Making a mountain out of a temporary problem with the paper supply is her only legit way in. If she finds one voter who reported problems she can get another low-budget lawsuit out of it. Going after NCCO is just gravy.

  5. All seeing says:

    Brady needs to resign and get a new state chair that didn’t have insurrection buses on their past performances. She needs to apologize to all first state voters for her transgressions on January 6th. She ran against Joe for the Senate and he kneecaped her so she is vengeful soul that don’t need to be state chair.

  6. jason330 says:

    Satire fails to keep pace:

    The Republican National Committee is launching a review of the party’s performance in the midterm election and bringing on a team of outside advisers to help guide strategy, as the GOP reckons with its disappointing performance in the election.

    The RNC is tapping nearly a dozen people to serve in what it’s calling a “Republican Party Advisory Council” – a group that includes former Donald Trump White House adviser Kellyanne Conway, and evangelical leader Tony Perkins