Delaware Liberal

Song of the Day 12/2: Jordan Mailata, “Hold”

I have a strict policy on holiday music — the 12 Days of Christmas Songs. You’re probably getting as much as you can stand from other sources, so I start the solstice stuff Dec. 14 and stop on Christmas Day. To quote a sailor man of some repute, that’s all I can stands and I can’t stands no more.

This is a long way of saying I won’t play any songs from “A Philly Special Christmas,” the charity record featuring Philadelphia Eagles offensive linemen Jason Kelce, Lane Johnson and Jordan Mailata, until the proper season. But hearing the promo for the LP opened my eyes to a talent who’s hard to miss. Left tackle Jordan Mailata, all 6’8″ and 365 pounds of him, can really sing.

The Australia-born Samoan was recorded in 2018 at a charity ball held by broadcaster and former Eagle Vai Sikahema. As best I can tell, the song is called “Hold” — get it? — and seems to be a Mailata original.

I would have known about Mailata’s vocal ability if I were a fan of “The Masked Singer.” The show, offshoot of a Korean original, has mostly B-list singers and C-list celebrities don mascot-like costumes to deliver tunes while a panel tries to guess who’s inside. Mailata competed earlier this year as “Thingamabob,” and though he didn’t make the finals he impressed the judges.

Somebody compiled this video of all Mailata’s performances. The show looks goofy as hell, but Mailata shines throughout.

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