The substantive question of whether a president’s or presidential candidate’s tax returns ought to be public is extremely easy to answer: Of course they should be, as a matter of law. The idea that Donald Trump has an interest in keeping his finances private that trumps (sorry) the public’s interest in learning the details of his endless financial peculations is beyond absurd. Whatever rationale Democrats stitched together for the purposes of litigation is just irrelevant to the more basic issue of whether the public needs to know the ins and outs of Trump’s grifting, legal and otherwise. Yes it does, and the sooner the better.
Also they aren’t “Trump’s Taxes” the documents are property of the people of the United States.
Release Trump’s taxes, then codify the release of all presidential candidates taxes into law. Pretty damn sure the “honor system” has failed at this point
The framers never anticipated anyone so devoid of honor getting to the Presidency.
What am I going to like the most about Trump’s final demise? Probably his penury. A very close second will be seeing courts treat him as a normal American citizen and not some kind of fucking King.
This, from all sounds about right. Trump used the courts to stall and run out the clock. The tax returns are a dead issue. The only thing to do is pass a law that forces future Trump’s to show them in advance.
Can States require them for ballot access? Allow all the Blue states to require them. I’d be fine with that.