The Jan. 6 committee will take up criminal referrals against Donald Trump

Filed in National by on December 17, 2022

He committed his crimes in the open.  The only question has been, will those  crimes be shoved down the memory hole for the sake of bipartisanship?   The House says, no.  The AG may still say Yes.

The House Select Jan. 6 Committee will take up criminal referrals against former President Donald Trump on at least two charges: obstruction of an official proceeding of Congress and conspiracy to defraud the United States, according to a source familiar with the committee’s discussions but not authorized to speak publicly on the plans.

The referrals will be voted on Monday, during what’s very likely to be the last public meeting of the panel before it sunsets at the end of the month.   VIA NPR 

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:

    Trump replies on TruthSocial with a spasm of pure nonsense.

    ” ‘THREAT TO DEMOCRACY’ is the Radical Left Democrat’s new chant. Like RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA, before it, and all the rest, it is a total Disinformation HOAX & SCAM. They are the ones who are the REAL THREAT TO DEMOCRACY.”

    , “Remember, the Democrat’s policies are destroying our Country, they ‘stink.’ DISINFORMATION & WEAPONIZATION of ‘Justice’ is all they’ve got, but someday it will all come back to haunt them. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! ”


  2. puck says:

    I have conflicting thoughts. At least Gerald Ford forthrightly pardoned Nixon. But Garland is slow-walking the prosecution until it amounts to a pocket pardon.

    On the other hand, Trump is growing politically weaker by the day, so maybe it was genius to delay prosecution until Republicans themselves turned against Trump. I guess it was important to wait until after the mid-terms.

    And now I’m pondering the calculus about how an ongoing Trump trial will affect 2024 turnout. I suppose it will force the GOP nominee to take sides and either embrace or denounce Trump, and either would be good for Dems.

    The worst outcome of all would be an acquittal.

    • jason330 says:

      DeSantis will be able to run against “the overreaching DEMOCRACY HATING democrats” without taking sides. I don’t think his stance needs to follow “If A, then B” logic, or make any coherent sense at all.

  3. puck says:

    The press can’t wait to both-sides a Trump trial vs. Biden impeachment hearings. It’s what they live for.