Delaware Liberal

BREAKING: Nicole Poore OUT As Bond Bill Chair

Sen. Dave Sokola has released the Senate committee assignments for the upcoming session. Quite a bit of news here.  Since I couldn’t find the release on the Senate site, I got it from the Delaware State News (h/t to one of our spies).

While Nicole Poore is still on the Bond Bill Committee, she no longer will chair it.  Meaning, she no longer will be on the Fort DuPont Redevelopment board, will no longer be on the Riverfront Development Corporation Board, and, no doubt, several others.  Jack Walsh will take her place.

Sokola clearly is trying to prepare members for future leadership positions.  So, the Senate Executive Committee, which has been the traditional domain of leadership has been expanded as follows:

David P. Sokola, Chair
Bryan Townsend, Vice Chair
Elizabeth Lockman
Sarah McBride
Marie Pinkney
Gerald W. Hocker
Brian G. Pettyjohn

You might as well designate Sarah and Marie as ‘leaders-in-waiting’.  They should be.  He’s also added Kyle Evans Gay to the Rules & Ethics Committee, which has traditionally been exclusive to leadership.  He (and I) have seen the future of the Democratic Party.  And it’s female.

Here is Sen. Sokola’s explanation and descriptions of some key changes:

“Legislative committees are an essential part of the legislative process where Senators gather public input and determine which bills should move forward,” Sen. Sokola said. “The assignments I’m announcing today will give every member of our majority caucus the opportunity to lead, while giving the minority caucus proportional representation. I believe this balance will help assure Delawareans that all voices are being heard and our values are reflected in the bills that reach the full Senate for a floor vote.”

Of the changes in the Senate chamber, the former Transportation Committee has been merged into a new Environment, Energy & Transportation Committee. Sen. Stephanie L. Hansen, D-Middletown, will serve as committee chair, while incoming Sen. Russ Huxtable, D-Lewes, will serve as vice chair.

The Senate Banking, Business & Insurance Committee will expand its scope to include matters related to technology, while the chamber’s Housing Committee will expand its scope to include land use.

“These changes reflect how intertwined these issues are with one another,” Sen. Sokola said. “As we continue to make record investments in our roads and bridges, we need to be ever mindful of how our transportation network impacts Delaware’s fragile ecosystems and open spaces. Likewise, technology is now a central component of any commercial operation and land use is inextricably linked with housing.”

He’s already the best President Pro-Tem ever.

Thumbs up from me. What do you think?

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