Filed in National by on January 6, 2023

That headline is from LGM. I don’t think it is hyperbole. He gave away a lot. It looks like Putin and people who want the United States to default and crash the world economy (because that is bad for Biden) won. Of course President Manchin (WV) could have taken the debt ceiling thing off the table, but empowering shitheads and creeps is the new big thing in Washington.

McCarthy’s Speaker Deal Could Stymie Defense Spending Next Year

  • His proposal would cap discretionary spending at 2022 levels
  • Plan is likely to spur backlash from defense hawks in Congress

The emerging deal Kevin McCarthy is discussing to make him speaker of the House could make agreements on new defense spending impossible next year, at a time when the US is intent on backing Ukraine against the Russian invasion and growing more wary of China’s stepped up aggression toward Taiwan.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Nancy Willing says:

    I was scanning headlines this am for just exactly what was conceded on vote 15 and nothing popped. So thanks for that.
    Question remains, when it comes to voting, will moderate GOP swing with the DEMs vs the odious?

  2. puck says:

    If the House passes tax cuts for the rich, will Senate Dem defectors help get it passed?

    My first reaction is “Hell no, Dems are unified!” And Senate Dems did vote party-line against the Trump tax cut package. But that was an easy No vote for DINOs because they knew it would pass anyway.

    My next reaction is “If it passes, at least Biden will veto it.” But then I remember the 2010 vote where 81 (!) Senators voted to extend the expiring Bush tax cuts for the rich, presided over by one Joe Biden and signed by the Democratic President.

    And if there is even a mild recession, Biden could be convinced not to veto it as the pressures of the 2024 election begin building.

  3. bamboozer says:

    American government is both a failure and, as ever, is for sale. I have no faith in the current crop of politicians as they always seem to find a way to do the wrong thing. The Republicans are already starting to play the pathetic game we call “supply side tax cuts”, easily the longest running scam in political history one more time. Problem is their running out of corporations and rich people that actually do pay taxes. Every time I think that perhaps I can live the rest of my life here political insanity gets in the way.

  4. Jason330 says:

    “The Republicans are already starting to play the pathetic game we call “supply side tax cuts”, easily the longest running scam in political history one more time.”

    This is spot on. How they continue to have enablers among Democrats and the press is dumbfounding.