Delaware Liberal

Delaware General Assembly Pre-Game Show: Tuesday, January 10, 2023


But, I’m getting ahead of myself.  Today’s Opening Session is merely ceremonial.  Swearing-in of the Senators and the Reps, followed by receptions, and pictures with families and friends.

For all you legislative newbies out there, welcome!  We cover every legislative session day with a pre-game show and, where applicable, a post-game wrap-up.  The Delaware General Assembly is in session for about 50 days between now and June 30.  Here is this year’s legislative calendar.  The General Assembly meets from Tuesday through Thursday.  The House conducts committee meetings on Wednesdays, with no significant legislative business on the floor. There is a 6-week break for Joint Finance (Budget) hearings that covers all of February and the first week of March.  The Bond Bill Committee will meet from March 21-25, General Assembly not in session.  There’s a two-week Easter break in April. Then a two-week budget markup the last two weeks of May.  This year’s session is scheduled to end on Friday, June 30.

The House will waste no time in starting committee meetings this Wednesday.  More on them tomorrow.

However, there has already been a House pre-file of bills.  At first glance, Rep. Bill Bush appears determined to bust the budget before legislators get their bearings.  Here’s that first REALLY BAD BILL OF THE SESSIONWanna blow a hole in what’s available to spend?  This bill does it, to the tune of about $115 mill annually. I understand that this is about 4% of the likely budget.  The bill reduces the realty transfer tax.  Bush tried to sneak this bill through at the end of last session, but it couldn’t withstand the disinfectant of sunlight. (Personal to Sen. Pinkney and Rep. Moore: You might want to reconsider your sponsorships of this bill.)  You just know that Gov. ‘Budget Smoothing’ Carney loves this bill.  Less for Democratic priorities for our Chamber of Commerce lackey.  Bush has several other bills designed to give tax breaks to all those Suxco interlopers from elsewhere. But, all in good time, my friends. Can’t give it all away in one post.

BTW, it looks like Michael Smith is gonna channel his inner Rethug this time around.  He’s introduced some really silly bills already. But this one is clearly designed to do one thing: To further starve public education.  Hey, the Democrats have nobody to blame but themselves.  They gave him a free pass.

That should be enough to help us ease into session.  Back tomorrow with the first committee meetings of the year.


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