Survey Shows 81% of Republicans are Dumb Shitheads

Filed in National by on January 10, 2023

Trump really has a hold on those idiots. TBH, 81% is actually a higher than I expected.  

(In a recent CBS News-You Gov poll) 81 percent of registered Republican respondents said that they want potential GOP candidates to have similar “policies and proposals” to Trump, while 19 percent want them to have different ones.

More than two-thirds of registered Republican voters said that they want the party to show at least some signs of loyalty to former President Trump.

The poll, published on Monday, found that 65 percent of registered Republican respondents said that it’s important, to varying degrees, for the party to show loyalty to Trump. Only 35 percent of those surveyed said that the party doesn’t need to show loyalty to the former president.



About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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