DL Open Thread Wednesday January 11 2023

Filed in National by on January 11, 2023


1) Make America Great for Tax Cheats Again (MAGFTCA)

2) Make America View Hunter Biden’s Dick Pics Again (MAVHBDPA)

3) Make American Pensioners Starve Again (MAPSA)

Israel Now Super-Ultra-Othodoxy Rightwing Theocracy

In related news:

Chris Coons says I’m never going to stop loving my little Super-Ultra-Othodoxy Rightwing Theocracy 

How to Be a Best Selling Author – Just Buy $91,000 of Your Own Book

Mike Pence’s political action committee bought $91,000 of the former vice president’s memoir.

On Nov. 9, the Great America Committee paid Books on Call NYC $91,000 for what the PAC described as “collateral materials,” according to a report the PAC filed in December with the Federal Election Commission. Pence’s “So Help Me God” came out six days later. A spokesperson for Pence confirmed that the money went towards buying the memoir.

“So Help Me God” debuted at No. 2 on the New York Times’ best-seller list for hardcover nonfiction and remained on the rankings for six weeks.

Gun Nutism Running Riot on the Federal Bench Takes NJ Gun Rules to the Woodshed

A federal judge blocked key provisions of New Jersey’s newly implemented gun restrictions on Monday, meaning residents of the state with concealed carry permits can once again bring firearms into libraries, museums and bars while the court battle plays out.

Judge Renee Marie Bumb sided with the coalition of gun owners who sued New Jersey, finding they would suffer from “ongoing injury” if the state’s gun restrictions were to stand.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (9)

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  1. RE Vanella says:

    New in the Delaware Call. Assistant Public Defender, Misty Seemans, on the crucial need for reforms to the cop bill of rights.


  2. GeoBumm says:

    I thought the NYT was savvy to the bulk buying scam to boost an author’s position on the best selling list and so ‘daggers’ them to show that’s the case? It’s pretty standard faire for organization, esp. GQP, to bulk buy books to climb up the list.

  3. bamboozer says:

    Yep, it’s the old “best seller” game and at this point it’s a rather old one. Dare say there is a warehouse packed to the roof with everything from Sarah Palin and many “authors” of the far right.

    • mediawatch says:

      Next year you’ll be able to get them for a buck and a quarter at Dollar Tree.

      • El Somnambulo says:

        Serious question: Does anyone ever READ those books? Regardless of the political affiliation of the ‘author’?

  4. Arthur says:

    I know each week brings the end of our democracy but seriously, if nothing happens to santos we are done.

  5. Paul says:

    In Israel, a left-wing journalist or activist can be murdered with impunity in front of anyone.