Garland Appoints Rudy Giuliani & Ginni Thomas to Hound Joe Biden to the Gates of Hell! Huzzah for bipartisanship!

Filed in National by on January 13, 2023

We are so much more fair and even-handed than you mother fuckers! Even if it means helping you burn down the Republic. Don’t think we won’t fucking do it to prove how bipartisan we are.

And I’m sure this will win over Tucker Carlson and prove to him once and for all that the DOJ isn’t political …or something….

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. puck says:

    A public library keeps better track of its books than the White House keeps of classified documents. Maybe some bright young Congressperson will introduce a bill requiring a system to track custody and whereabouts of classified documents from cradle to grave.

  2. Jason330 says:

    Trump is a genius at having an ounce of truth blending into his gallons of lies and nonsense. In this case it seemed absurd that his ounce of truth (everybody does it) was actually true. But there you have it. Thanks, Joe!

  3. puck says:

    Instead of yanking our chains with dubious and sputtering defensiveness, Biden and Dems could seize the moment by calling for (and implementing) reform in handling classified documents. I mean statutory reform, not just executive orders and promises to do better. Republicans could then waste their time attacking that bill instead.

  4. I’m shocked, SHOCKED, that the press (and AG) has largely failed to see the false equivalency between the Biden and Trump document cases. For the record, here are the differences:

    Although–as someone who doesn’t want to see Biden run again, anything that weakens him opens up the field a little bit more for an alternative.

  5. bamboozer says:

    I’m in the No Mo’ Joe in twenty fo’ camp as well, the question becomes who to replace him? I’ve suggested Gavin Newsom as the replacement, but there must be other good choices out there.

    • jason330 says:

      If Joe does not run the nominee is Kamala Harris.

      I’m not sure is that changes anyone’s thinking about Biden as the standard bearer – but facts is facts.

  6. My way-too-soon preferred candidate is Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer.

    She’s shown she can stand up to those MAGAt assholes.