Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Saturday, January 14, 2023

Everybody Knew About Santos’ Lies–Except The Democrats:

In late 2021, as he prepared to make a second run for a suburban New York City House seat, George Santos gave permission for his campaign to commission a routine background study on him.

Campaigns frequently rely on this kind of research, known as vulnerability studies, to identify anything problematic that an opponent might seize on. But when the report came back on Mr. Santos, the findings by a Washington research firm were far more startling, suggesting a pattern of deception that cut to the heart of the image he had cultivated as a wealthy financier.

Some of Mr. Santos’s own vendors were so alarmed after seeing the study in late November 2021 that they urged him to drop out of the race, and warned that he could risk public humiliation by continuing. When Mr. Santos disputed key findings and vowed to continue running, members of the campaign team quit, according to three of the four people The New York Times spoke to with knowledge of the study.

The episode, which has not been previously reported, is the most explicit evidence to date that a small circle of well-connected Republican campaign professionals had indications far earlier than the public that Mr. Santos was spinning an elaborate web of deceits, and that the candidate himself had been warned about just how vulnerable those lies were to unraveling.

Y’know, Democrats deserved the drubbing they took in NY. They didn’t do a basic background check on Santos?  After being drubbed, they blamed crime. And AOC.  These centrist idiots will never learn.

Amazon Loses Collective Bargaining Case.  But pledges to appeal and stall until they get a favorable outcome somewhere, sometime:

More than eight months after workers at Amazon’s JFK8 warehouse in Staten Island voted to unionize, the National Labor Relations Board has certified the election results, bringing the fledgling union one step closer to entering contract negotiations.

Still, Amazon has not been willing to recognize the union or negotiate a contract. It said that it plans to appeal the NLRB decision, declaring in a statement that “we don’t believe this election process was fair, legitimate, or representative of the majority of what our team wants.”

Can someone, anyone, explain to me why Delaware taxpayers continue to subsidize this virulently anti-union company through the ‘Prosperity Partnership’?  I think the General Assembly should try to pass legislation barring companies that engage in anti-union practices from receiving any taxpayer funding.

The Relentless Badness Of The Pizza Box.  The victims?  You and your pizza:

Pizza delivery, it turns out, is based on a fundamental lie. The most iconic delivery food of all time is bad at surviving delivery, and the pizza box is to blame. “I don’t like putting any pizza in a box,” Andrew Bellucci, a legendary New York City pizza maker of Andrew Bellucci’s Pizzeria, told me. “That’s just it, really. The pizza degrades as soon as it goes inside,” turning into a swampy mess.

A pizza box has one job—keeping a pie warm and crispy during its trip from the shop to your house—and it can’t really do it. The fancier the pizza, the worse the results: A slab of overbaked Domino’s will probably be at least semi-close to whatever its version of perfect is by the time it reaches your door, but a pizza with fresh mozzarella cooked at upwards of 900 degrees? Forget it. Sliding a $40 pie into a pizza box is the packaging equivalent of parking a Lamborghini in a wooden shed before a hurricane.

4 Finalists For Wilmington City Council Opening:

1st-district residents Harold Gray, Coby Owens, Vincent White and Justen Wright all met last Friday’s deadline to express their interest. The Committee of the Whole has scheduled the review and interviews for Monday, January 30th at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers.

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