DL Open Thread Tuesday January 17 2023

Filed in National by on January 17, 2023


Alt Headline 1: What’s the point of having a gun if you can’t threaten/shoot people with it?

Alt Headline 2: Lewes man charged after pulling gun on woman

Police were called at 11:17 p.m. to a home in the 20000 block of Plantation Road for a report of shots fired; they learned that Timothy Littleton, 33, had argued with a woman, 37, at the home before he took out a handgun and pointed it at her, said Sr. Cpl. Jason Hatchell of the Delaware State Police. There were three children present inside the residence during the incident, he said.

Water ??!? Pfft…we’ll live off bile and memories of Ronald Reagan

Here is the thing, they could only build these houses in Rio Verde (ironically “Green River”) by exploiting a loophole which meant having watered delivered (rather than being connected by pipes to some water supply).  Scottsdale was happy to send those trucks to fill everyone’s tank each month.  …up until they didn’t have enough water for Scottsdale proper.   Anyway, to be pedantic, it is not really accurate to say that water was “turned off”. 

Also, “Are these houses here because they are exploiting a loophole?” is a question people who buy houses in the desert should probably ask prior to taking on that mortgage.  

RIO VERDE, Ariz. – Joe McCue thought he’d found a desert paradise when he bought one of the new stucco homes springing up in the granite foothills of Rio Verde, Arizona. There were good schools, mountain views, and back door cactus-studded trails.

Then the water was turned off.

Earlier this month, the community’s longtime water utility, the neighboring city of Scottsdale, turned off the faucet to the Rio Verde Foothills, blaming a crushing drought threatening the West’s future. Scottsdale said it needed to focus on conserving water for its own residents and could no longer sell water to about 500 to 700 homes — or about 1,000 people. That meant the unincorporated bevy of $500,000 stucco homes, mansions and horse ranches outside of Scottsdale’s borders would have to fend for themselves and buy water from other suppliers — if homeowners could find them and afford it, much higher ones to pay prices.

Knowing that the phrases “We Fuck Up Social Security!”  & “Self-Imposed Government Shutdown Chaos” & “Economic Collapse Caused by GOP Stupidity” didn’t do well in focus groups, the house GOP has another zippy new word for that bundle of policies –prioritization. 

Republican lawmakers on Sunday renewed calls for spending concessions from Democrats as a contingency to raising the federal government’s borrowing limit, setting up another round of brinkmanship with the U.S.’s credit rating on the line.

House Republicans have a plan if an agreement can’t be reached, the Washington Post reported. That is to tell the Treasury and the Biden administration to prioritize spending by making only the most critical payments, such as interest on the national debt, as well as Social Security, Medicare,…

Remember when I said that the New York State Democratic Party needed to be dissolved and the office furniture auctioned off?   

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Need political suicide? Talk about cutting Social Security and Medicare, then claim it will “reduce the deficit”, pathetic as both programs are paid for with a tax dedicated to the program. If they had their way the Republicans would end, “sunset” or destroy both, endless human misery or not. Notice they refer to this sick game as “Reform”, I call it a brazen attempt to steal from the elderly. We might be old, but I suggest the fools fear us.

    • Jason330 says:

      GOP official talking points now includes:
      1) We want to fuck everything up
      2) We want to brag about fucking everything up on Fox News, &
      3) We want to blame Joe Biden for fucking everything up on the regular news.

      The regular news, and Democrats like Coons seem more than happy to play along.

  2. Paul says:

    I have long felt intuitively that the current environment surrounding gun owners is just as your headline says, “what is the point if I can’t shoot people who say/do stuff I don’t like.” I’m thinking specifically about George Zimmerman and Kyle Rittenhouse. Did they ever think that it would be awesome to see what it’s like to actually shoot someone? I think both did. The guy on Plantation Road probably did too. Since the emergence of the Tea Party in 2009 I think this has become a larger threat than most of us realize. Even my family is divided. Sitting in a room full of relatives this weekend I observed my insurrectionist nephew surrounded by his insurrectionist buddies. When would they reach the conclusion that me, my wife, and other NeverTrumpers no longer merit living and take us all out?

  3. RE Vanella says:

    Recording a massive episode tomorrow. This audience will love it. Very niche. In fact, I should put the mf behind a pay wall patrons only!

    I’m sincerely sorry we made the podcast so good. I’ll admit I’m as surprised as you are. Most of it’s Karl. It’s only fair to kick in. Patrons are not public info, fwiw. Lol.

    For the true haters, who will never give poor Karl a dime, stay mad.