It is nice to see Democrats calling Republicans on their bullshit for once

Filed in National by on January 17, 2023

Of course it only takes a couple of Dems in search of bipartisan glory (like Manchin or Coons for example) to overturn the debt ceiling chessboard.

Schumer/Jeffries: “default forced by extreme MAGA Rs could plunge the country into a deep recession”

Biden White House: “We’re not going to do any negotiations. And it should be, again, done without conditions,”

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. puck says:

    Biden will of course negotiate covertly with the debt terrorists. Months from now when Biden does something inexplicably maddening, that will be him fulfilling his side of the bargain.

  2. bamboozer says:

    Will they try it? There is no doubt, the Republican goal is to rule the world from just one branch of the government, and hold all the rest of us hostage. This is a sick game, one of far too many played in congress, it’s a good reason that 80% of all Americans have not only hatred, but contempt for congress. The approval rate is usually under 20%, there is a damn good reason why.