She’s Nothing You’ve Heard

Filed in Delaware, National by on January 18, 2023

She’s mostly lost in the mists of time, or maybe it’s the fog of New Jersey — Christine O’Donnell is someone we haven’t heard from in quite a while. Neither has the IRS, which says her dormant political action committee, Christine PAC, owes more than $6,100 in back taxes.

I’m not sure why this story surfaced now, but the article also notes that her PAC owes a law firm more than $5,000 and her Senate campaign still hasn’t paid the $25,000 fine it levied over her use of campaign funds to pay her personal expenses.

The reporter wasn’t able to track down O’Donnell for comment, which does nothing to dispel the notion that she is, indeed, a witch. To disappear this effectively in the internet era requires something on the order of supernatural powers.

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  1. Jason330 says:

    She must be somewhere looking at the Santos thing, thinking that she didn’t lie hard enough.

  2. bamboozer says:

    Per Springsteen I’d prefer she be lost in the swamps of Jersey (I was, this was before the age of GPS) but be honest, we all knew she had no visible means of support. Other then the boyfriend de jour and her campaign contributions of course. She’s been living off campaign contributions for decades.

  3. GeoBumm says:

    Such quaint times, those were.

  4. Beach Karen says:

    O’Donnell has a personal Facebook page and a Go Fund Me page that I managed to find in about 5 seconds. I guess her “supernatural powers” still include making reporters f*cking stupid.

    • RE Vanella says:

      Send a DM to her FB account. Say you’re a reporter and you have some questions. See if she responds. Finding a FB account and tracking her down are two different things.

      Unless this is you, Christine. In which case, email the podcast at

    • Alby says:

      I’m not on, nor have I ever been on, Facebook, or I’d have checked. When was her last post?

  5. Beach Karen says:

    The last Facebook posts that I can see (I’m not one of her Facebook friends), are from early October from Bonita Springs, Florida, where she was living in the path of Hurricane Ian. I particularly like this post from October 4, where she asks her followers not to donate to hurricane relief efforts, but to donate directly to her Venmo instead:

    “Christine O’Donnell
    October 4, 2022
    Many people have asked how they can help, so please allow me to be blunt and upfront about the needs. If you know people directly affected by #Ian, give to them directly. Organizations are raising millions, and that is wonderful because they will most likely send clean up crews to the area. Yet, those of us directly affected by the storm have immediate practical needs such as plastic bins, battery operated lanterns, and rubber gloves to collect what might be salvagable. Most stores are still without power, and gas is scarce, so it’s not like we can just run to Home Depot to pick up salvage supplies. Local groups are raising money to help local families, and that is wonderful, too. Yet, you get put on a list and someone will get back to you. Right now simple items like plastic bins seem like a luxury item!
    So… here are my personal immediate needs … I would like to order plastic bins, rubber gloves, battery operated lanterns and the like online and have it delivered to a friends house since mail is not being delivered to my neighborhood. Then, once the supplies arrive, I want to take a handful of people with me to the island to gather up what remains to sort through later.
    Search and rescue efforts as still under way, so access to my neighborhood is limited to residents only, and by foot. I’ve been told this is a feckless task, yet gathering up my watersoaked clothes, books and journals gives me hope that all might not be lost.
    On a practical level, here is what I need:
    1. Amazon or Costco gift cards so I can order supplies online, and get Costco gas. Rumor has it Costco’s are open and well-stocked. (email address for gift cards –
    2. Venmo: I need to replace everything from medication, to home office equipment, and most likely my car. (I duct taped the damaged parts back onto my car because I am in denial that my car is totalled.) My venmo handle is @Christine-ODonnell-9. Zelle is
    3. If you live near Bonita Springs, or are willing to travel to the area, I need a crew of about 3 or 4 strong people who don’t get grossed out by raw sewage to help with the salvage-attempt.
    Please DM me if you are interested!
    God bless you! Thank you for your love, support and prayers.”

  6. Jason330 says:

    3. If you live near Bonita Springs, or are willing to travel to the area, I need a crew of about 3 or 4 strong people who don’t get grossed out by raw sewage to help with the salvage-attempt.

    Oh dear.

  7. Al Catraz says:

    She’s nothing, I’ve heard.