New Highlands Bunker Episode w/ Me & El Som

Filed in National by on January 20, 2023

You should listen to this if you’ve got a drive that is about an hour and 15minutes long or you are any of these potential Governor candidates:  Chris Coons, Brian Townsend, Pete Schwartzkopf (SP?), Frank Burns, Mike Ramone, Andria Bennet, Larry Mitchell, Lumpy Carson, Estelle Parker Selby, Dorsey Walker, Bill Bush, Val Longhurst, Stephanie T Bolden, Stephanie Hansen, James Taylor, Charles “Bud” Freel, Namdi, Deb Heffernan, Shané Darby, Jack Markell, Bethany Hall Long, Ruth Anne Miner, Harriet Windsor, Mike Smith, Kim Williams, Steve Newton, Sarah McBride, Tom Carper, James Nolan, Dee Durham, Dave Carter, Bobby Bird, Becca Cotto, Sophie Phillips, Paul Baumbach, Lydia York,…  Oh fuck it… I was going to name check everyone mentioned but I can’t.  Sorry to Matt Marshall and Alexander Snyder-Mackler, you guys are going to have to just listen to see if we talk about you.   

DelawareLiberal writers Steve and Jason join Rob in the bunker to talk about the first couple weeks of the new legislative session, what the future looks like for the House and the governor’s seat, and a new campaign to get Rob on Mic’d Up with Mike Smith.

Show Notes:

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (12)

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  1. Bill M. says:


    Great episode, Highlands Bunker x Del. Lib.!

    FWIW, the Mike Smith podcast is the perfect audio accompaniment for picking up your twelve starched Under Armor polos from the dry cleaner and/or rooting on the next generation of the Top 30 midfielders at North Star Elementary. I wholeheartedly endorse Robert’s plea to get mic’d up.

  2. Joshua W says:

    Please donate to the patreon, last time I saw super-producer Karl he was living in a cardboard box and his lungs were riddled with consumption

  3. RE Vanella says:

    How long can Karl survive on hardtack and outdoor garden hose water?

  4. Andrew C says:

    I enjoyed this… when I could hear it.

    TMI, but listening to podcasts in the shower delightfully fulfills the “two birds, one stone” maxim for me, but goodness gracious this podcast was the quietest one of all yours I’ve heard. I don’t know if that’s because you have three (surprisingly!) soft-spoken gentlemen here, or if the sound mix is just off, but this was a struggle. Yes, even slowing it down under the usual higher speed did little. The volume all the way up wasn’t enough.

    Transcript when?

    • RE Vanella says:

      When you’re in the shower is the audio just playing from your phone like a call on speaker? (I assume you don’t have ear buds in.) I do not recommend this method. Get yourself a bluetooth speaker at the very least.

      I feel like the show is meant to be listened to not read. No plans for a transcript on our end. If any true freaks out there want to do it independently and make it available, feel free.

  5. RE Vanella says:

    That said, I’m listening to the final mix through my studio monitors right now. It does seem a bit softer than usual. I will say it’s tricky for Karl when we use all four mics with a full house of, ah, let’s say excitable, guests. lol

  6. Joshua W says:

    Sounded fine to me on my headphones, with the exception of the crosstalk, thought that’s hard to blame on the recording device itself.

  7. Nancy Willing says:

    This opinion piece below is from one of the reform-minded NY State Senators who voted against LaSalle. I thought it partnered well with the Bunker conversation about how progressives in the DE Senate and House can make a difference and get out of the Way of the DE Way.

    Opinion: LaSalle’s rejection was a defeat for Albany backroom politics
    State Senate Democrats showed a new way to lead that puts people before power.

    “conflict between outsiders and insiders, between reformers and the establishment…. an establishment selection backed by the powerful judicial fraternity and the machinery of both political parties. They saw in this selection an assurance that the status quo they have constructed and enjoyed would remain in place, and that the paradigm that has already failed too many New Yorkers would not change. Some of the arguments in defense of this nomination bordered on absurd……. The gaslighting by LaSalle’s supporters demonized those who ​simply wanted to scrutinize this nomination, instead advocating deference to a historical dereliction of duty that gave governors unfettered discretion to appoint anyone with virtually no imposition of checks and balances.

    But this state Senate is committed to repairing the mistakes of the past, not using them as a guidebook. The Senate Democratic conference rose to prominence (and a historic supermajority) as an antidote to old-style, backroom Albany politics, and our efforts to reshape the system were – and are – vigorously opposed by Republicans and establishment Democrats alike, including so-called leaders of our own party. Under the transformative direction of state Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins, we vowed to govern from our values and remain accountable to the people – not the consultant class. We got back to basics and reconnected with the Democratic Party’s original mandate: to fight for average New Yorkers, heed the solutions they believe are needed to improve their lives and give them a fighting chance for success.”