DL Open Thread Tuesday January 24 2023

Filed in National by on January 24, 2023

Carper said that introducing a DC statehood bill reminded him of when he introduced the Hawaii, Alaska and Arizona statehood bills.

Delaware Democrat introducing DC statehood bill in Senate

Sen. Tom Carper (D-Del.) on Monday announced he’s reintroducing a bill to grant statehood to the nation’s capital.

“The rumors are true! I’m introducing the #DCStatehood bill in the Senate this week,” Carper wrote on Twitter.

Carper has led previous efforts to get the bill through in the Senate in partnership with the District of Columbia’s nonvoting delegate to the U.S. House, Eleanor Holmes Norton (D), whose name on Twitter is Eleanor “#DCStatehood” Holmes Norton.  

Dewey Beach is in the market for a new town slogan

So far the leading candidates are:

“Highest rate of pedestrian fatalities in the state!” 

“If you lived here, you’d be drunk by now.” 

Fucking Zuck.  If anyone is interested, I’m officially opposed to allowing billionaire assholes to keep fucking everyone over.  

Facebook approved a series of online ads promoting violence in Brazil, days after protesters ransacked government buildings, according to a new report.

Earlier this month, thousands of supporters of Brazil’s far-right former President Jair Bolsonaro stormed the nation’s congress, supreme court, and presidential palace in an attack lasting more than three hours.

OK, but I still mostly blame Hillary Clinton for Trump

Charles McGonigal, the former head of the Counterintelligence Division of the New York FBI office has been arrested for helping Oleg Deripaska avoid US sanctions on Russia. He was head of the division at the time Donald Trump was trying to get Russia to hack Hillary Clinton’s account.

Just a “boys will be boys” situation  

Orlando Police Characterize Shooting at LGBTQ+ Bar as “Vandalism”

After the windows of an Orlando, Fla., LGBTQ+ bar were shot out Wednesday evening, police are characterizing the crime as a bias-motivated attack on the LGBTQ+ business.

District Dive, located in Orlando’s Milk District, posted security video to its Facebook page of a man shooting out windows in the Southern Nights complex. The complex is home to several queer establishments, including District Dive, Southern Craft, and the Southern Nights nightclub. The post on District Dive’s page said the complex “was a target of a suspected hate crime.”

“Please stay safe Orlando,” the company wrote.

The Orlando Police department distributed the video across its own social media channels.

“The Orlando Police Department does not tolerate criminal behavior of any kind,” said Orlando Police Chief Eric Smith in a statement. “Whoever committed this brazen vandalism against our city’s LGBTQ+ businesses will be held accountable.”

Read the Delaware Call, and tell me how LEOBOR isn’t essentially state terrorism against marginalized communities.  

Why we need access to police misconduct records in Delaware

Someone read this on Truth Social and thought, “Fuck yeah! 100% believable.”



About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:

    BTW – Why didn’t Carper introduce DC statehood when Dems were in the majority in the house? Hmm…?

  2. jason330 says:

    Gallego calls Sinema’s bluff:

    Rep. Ruben Gallego announced he will run for the U.S. Senate in Arizona on Monday, setting up a potential three-way race in the battleground state in 2024 that poses a threat to independent Sen. Kyrsten Sinema’s hold on the seat.

    Gallego, a Marine veteran who has served in the House since 2015, announced his candidacy in a video in English and Spanish that stressed his military service and experience growing up as a first-generation American.

    “The rich and the powerful, they don’t need more advocates,” Gallego said in the video, which shows him addressing veterans at Guadalupe American Legion Post 124. “It’s the people that are still trying to decide between groceries and utilities that need a fighter for them.”

    • puck says:

      “The rich and the powerful, they don’t need more advocates,” Gallego said….. “It’s the people that are still trying to decide between groceries and utilities that need a fighter for them.”

      I don’t know why all Dem candidates don’t say this every day. Maybe because so many of them don’t live up to it.

  3. Alby says:

    I just ran across this sentence in a Josh Marshall post at TPM. It reinforces my belief that there are hallucinogens in the water at the Capitol. He’s pointing out that now-independent Kyrsten Sinema is likely to finish last in a three-way race for her Senate seat in 2024.

    “If it’s true that Sinema harbors ambitions to run for the presidency (don’t laugh; she does), it’s a bad mark on your presidential resume.”

    Well, too late — I already laughed.

  4. bamboozer says:

    All for Gallego, hoping to see him destroy Sinema. As for Carper suspect this was a song and dance to pretend he’s a Democrat, and as such doomed from the start. As for whose the old fuck that would be me as well, will be 67 in a few months. Having played at the famed Bottle &Cork in the eighties (we were the token Delaware band there) can confirm Dewey Beach is indeed a festival of death by traffic, drunkeness will do that for you.

    • Alby says:

      What band was that?

      • bamboozer says:

        Noxx, they still exist with one original member. They were hellraisers and I was the only married man in the group, imminent incarceration was always a possibility. It was the eighties, and my ears are still ringing. But we had fun.

  5. nathan arizona says:

    Dewey Beach: “If you lived here you’d be drunk by now” definitely gets my vote. Almost did a spit take with my coffee.

  6. Arthur says:

    I read somewhere that when tRump was “winning” the club championship at the same time he was complaining how long a funeral was while giving the eulogy. If he’s part of Multiciplicity, how many times have they cloned the 3rd copy?

    I always like the Dewey slogan, “If we were bigger we’d really be fucked up”

    • Andrew C says:

      The best part is that he actually didn’t even play the first day. He just substituted another round from somewhere else, come in the next day ahead 5 strokes, and won. Such a dick move.

      • Alby says:

        He’ll never match Kim Jong-Il.

        Kim shot 38 under, including 11 holes-in-one, at the 7,700-yard championship course at Pyongyang in the VERY FIRST golf round of his life, according to North Korean state media. This was in 1994, when Kim was 52 years old. Even more impressive, Kim stood just 5-foot-3, yet he was able to overpower a course as long as any ever played in major championship history.
