The Forthcoming Liberal/Conservative Joint Statement on Decency and Being a Decent American

Filed in National by on January 30, 2023

I have this idea that I’d like to sit down with an actual bone-fide conservative and uncover areas of general agreement.  I guess I still want to believe that there are conservatives that put loyalty to the country above loyalty to their fucked up party.

I know I’m unicorn hunting but if anyone knows anyone, you know where to find me.   Once we’re done chatting and figuring out the “common ground” Coons keep saying is out there somewhere, I want to write a post and call it: The Liberal/Conservative Joint Statement on Decency and Being a Decent American.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (22)

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  1. puck says:

    If you do get any takers they will probably be libertarian small-government dead-enders, the kind that have been ejected from the Republican Party.

    That is the kind of debate that prevailed when I was coming of age, and I confess that is my preferred comfort zone for political debate. But those days are over and that debate is now sterile and merely performative nostalgia.

  2. bamboozer says:

    Just as they purged the moderates decades ago, so too have our ever farther right Republicans purged anyone who dares not swear eternal love and obeisance to the mango menace. This has been coming for a very long time, and it did not start with Trump, it’s either goose step with the rest of the Fascists or go home.

    • puck says:

      I remember when every Republican candidate had to make obeisance to Reagan policies, and every Republican convention started with a video montage of Reagan in that damned cowboy hat. Now a reconstituted Reagan couldn’t win a Republican primary in any state.

  3. jason330 says:

    I am undertaking this quest with a backpack full of pessimism. I know how rotten the Republican Party has become. I know the odds of someone identifying as a Republican and still being a decent person are tremendously long.

    I still want to try and have that convo. Even if by phone rather than face to face.

    Conservative lurkers, hit me up through the tip line.

    • George says:

      I’m curious what does a Liberal stand for?

      • Jason330 says:

        George, are you volunteering to have this chat?

        • Paul says:

          a liberal is an open mind, with intellectual tools, who might choose to emphasize the part of the constitution that says, “general welfare”. Conservatives appear to have pages from the John Birch Society playbook that seems to emphasize liberty and unlimited personal freedom. Not much present in that mindset that encourages us to come together as a country. Everyone for himself, mostly.

      • RE Vanella says:

        Excellent question, George!

  4. RE Vanella says:

    I could moderate this discussion!

    Hey, new piece in the Call is up. History of LEOBOR. Old General Assembly debate passages transcribed! All in light of the fact cops murdered a record number of people the last 12 months.

    Misty’s series is very good. (Disclosure I am editing it.) Journalism like this is only in the Delaware Call sadly. While you’re there maybe click that DONATE button. Anything helps keep the project alive.

  5. Joe Connor says:

    I think the event should be held at the Starboard complete with a reenactment of the killing of a black man across the street by a leo and highlighting a breakout group on obfuscation and cover up of said killing. The “liberals” will shake their heads and the “conservatives”: will add to the cover up ideas!

  6. nathan arizona says:

    Not a conservative, but as I’ve said before . . . oh, never mind.

  7. nathan arizona says:

    If you mean me, the only conservative I know well lives in Florida (of course) and he’s a hopeless Trumper. We talk about sports.

    • jason330 says:

      Yes, you and also AA.

      C’mon man. You must know a conservative. You may think of him as a fellow sober moderate – but trust me – he’s conservative.

  8. nathan arizona says:

    I didn’t remember any AA on this blog. Thought you might have been responding to NA. (Sorry AA, if that *is* your name.)

  9. AA says:

    Why am I being named as a conservative? I think we may have some mistaken identity happening here.

    • Jason330 says:

      Not named a conservative, but I get the feeling that you know conservatives. Maybe I’m wrong but if you know 2 of them, you’ve got me beat.

      • AA says:

        Oh I absolutely know conservatives, they usually range from “RINOs” to the small gubment libertarian types, even a few Trumpies.

        • Jason330 says:

          Send them a link to this thread. I need one of them to work with me on the Liberal/Conservative Joint Statement on Decency and Being a Decent American

          Not the trumpies, but some bone-fide conservative willing to chat, if eve over the phone.