DL Open Thread Tuesday January 31 2023

Filed in National by on January 31, 2023

The grift is strong in this one: 

Thank you to everyone who came out to Saturday’s Sussex County Republicans event featuring (professional wokeness victim and “author”)  Loren Spivack!

If you missed it, CNN can fill you on Mr. Spivack’s schtick:

In the center of town where the bureaucrats dwell

And the housing projects emit their own unique smell

And there’s nothing to buy or even to sell

Lies the corpse of the beaten Gorax.

Thus begins the self-proclaimed anti-environmentalist parody book “The Gorax,” copies of which were floating through the line of supporters waiting to hear Donald Trump at a South Carolina rally.

Loren Spivack created these Dr. Seuss-themed tales for the Republican set …

“The Gorax” is one of three books written in verse.

“There are about 20,000 of these in circulation,” Spivack said. “It’s pretty good for a book that’s in zero bookstores.”

The first, written in 2010, is modeled after Seuss’ classic “The Cat in the Hat” and lampoons the Obama administration. Spivack said he followed the initial printing with five new editions over the years. He followed with “The Gorax,” which targets former Vice President Al Gore. Gorax. Gore. Get it?

Hilarious stuff.

With his squeaker of a win, Old “Phone it in” Ramone is, not surprisingly, everybody’s odds on pick to be in his last year of Leg Hall service.   These are the other finalist:  Lawson (13%) accidental discharge(?), Ruth Briggs King (11%) boredom (?), Speigs (8%) & Short (8%).   I’ll tag this post #predictions to return to it in 24 months and see how well we made out.

Via death, defeat, or disinterest – which DEGOPer is least likely to return to elective office after the 2024 election?

Mike Ramone – 39%

Dave Lawson – 13%

Ruth Briggs King – 11%



GOP’s National Abortion Ban to Vie With Trump for Least Popular 2024 Election Offering   
NEW: The RNC passed a resolution to “go on offense in the 2024 election cycle” on abortion and “pass the strongest pro-life legislation possible” in the meantime, with language urging the adoption of 6-week bans sbaprolife.org/wp-content/upl

Boy oh boy, the New York Times really did fuck over the country.  

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. AA says:

    Well we know RBK will be out by at least June because she’s said as much as she’s building a home outside the district and everyone has called her out for it.

    I have it on good authority that this will be Hocker’s last term as he looks to retire, as well as Wilson. From what I have heard it sounds like Vanderwende wants that seat.

    There will be lots of new blood in Leg Hall come 2025.

    • jason330 says:

      I was surprised nobody picked Hocker. I guess I kinda heard that about RBK but it didn’t stick. Trying to pay more attention to Suxco, but it is a little work.

      What about Lawson? Does someone know something or the 13% just means he is old?

  2. puck says:

    Inflation is slowing and the mass layoffs have already begun, mainly in big tech, but apparently enough of us haven’t lost our jobs yet, so the Fed is planning to announce another interest rate hike this week, guaranteeing we will overshoot a soft landing.

    German companies say “They fire, we hire.”

    BERLIN (Reuters) – Faced with a tight labour market and a shortage of workers with key software engineering skills, some German companies are looking at thousands of layoffs in Silicon Valley as an opportunity to recruit top talent. […]

    “They fire, we hire,” said Rainer Zugehoer, Chief People Officer at Cariad, the software subsidiary of automaker Volkswagen. “We have several hundred open positions in the U.S., in Europe and in China.” […]

    “I would like to cordially invite you to move to Bavaria,” wrote Judith Gerlach, digitalisation minister in Germany’s wealthiest region… And did I mention Oktoberfest?” Gerlach added.

    • Jason330 says:

      It is appalling to see “Silicon Valley” become like the old rust belt company’s that fell into the practice of goosing the qrtly report (and thereby the stock price) by laying off people and showing a temporary blip in the P&L.

      Just fucking stupid. The NSDAQ, NYSE and DJIA is everything.