Republicans view Trump as I viewed Tom Carper

Filed in National by on February 3, 2023

Prior to Sarah McBride positioning herself a legitimate statewide candidate with the ability to knock off Tom Carper – I held the position that only the Grim Reaper could remove Carper.

It seems many Republicans feel the same way about Trump.  They are stuck with him until he croaks: 

In his recent book Thank You for Your Servitude, my colleague Mark Leibovich quoted a former Republican representative who bluntly summarized his party’s plan for dealing with Trump: “We’re just waiting for him to die.” As it turns out, this is not an uncommon sentiment. In my conversations with Republicans, I heard repeatedly that the least disruptive path to getting rid of Trump, grim as it sounds, might be to wait for his expiration.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    This ex New Yorker, and fan of the poem called “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”, knew that Trump had albatross written all over him, and that at some point he would adorn the neck of the Republican party. Huzzah says I, let them stew in it and take aim at each other. Not until death, preferably on camera, will they be done with Trump, but get his slack jawed base as a consolation prize. From hell regardless.

  2. puck says:

    Republicans want “Trump policies” without the Trump baggage. But as far I’m concerned policies are Trump’s heaviest baggage.