Delaware Liberal

News-Journal FINALLY Wakes Up To Ft. DuPont Boondoggle

9 years too late.  Maybe someone, anyone, from the News-Journal could have read our coverage dating back to 2014? I’ll only link to one article this time.  You can find the others.

While a lot of the skulduggery is omitted, this is a great look into what happens when the Delaware Way, especially Jack Markell, gets behind a money pit.  Nothing, including laws and regulations, can get in its way.

My favorite lines from the article?:

“DNREC declined interview requests with DNREC Secretary Shawn Garvin, who sits on the board of directors, and Parks and Recreation Director Ray Bivens.”

“Longhurst declined an interview request.”


If I were Rep. Minor-Brown, who has inherited this scandal-plagued project from Our PAL Val, I’d try to call a halt to this project until/unless a proper accounting is provided.  Including required testimony from all the cowards who have denied interview requests.

To members of the General Assembly:  What more will it take to shut off the money spigot?

To our new State Auditor:  Investigate the use of state money in this project.

To the News-Journal: Better late than never, I guess.  Keep it up.  BTW, you might want to stop by here to read DL every now and then.  You could learn something.

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