DL Open Thread Wednesday February 8 2023

Filed in National by on February 8, 2023

Arizona got Bonini’ed.  One slight difference this donk and Bonini is that Bonini always voted against budgets because “very strict adherence to principles” while this person… wait, no they are the same.

Az State Rep will vote “no” on budget (and everything else) unless 2020 Election is “redone”

The Republican-led effort to pass a “skinny budget” has hit a momentary roadblock in the Arizona House of Representatives, where a sole Republican’s refusal to vote for the spending package doomed the budget.

Rep. Liz Harris, R-Chandler, voted no on the first bill that is part of the major Republican budget proposal that merely extends much of the $18 billion budget passed last year for another 12 months. Republicans have a one-vote majority in the chamber, so her opposition meant the bill failed.

Harris did not respond to multiple requests for comment as to why she voted no on the budget bill. Harris, a local real estate agent turned election “fraud” investigator is most famous for conducting a highly flawed canvass of the presidential election in an attempt to prove voter “fraud.”

Her vote against the GOP spending plan may be the freshman lawmaker following through on a pledge she made late last year that she would not vote for any legislation until the 2022 election is redone. Harris has been a vocal proponent of the false claims that the 2020 and 2022 elections were marred by fraud and rigged against Republicans.

Where is the Coonsian Super Secret Bi-Partisan Caucus?  It is as if, outsides of Coons’s fevered bipartisan brain, there never was such a thing.  

“Centrist Republicans” nowhere near the center on debt ceiling

WASHINGTON — A key centrist House Republican is ruling out a fallback option to avert a calamitous debt default, which would require a small number of GOP lawmakers to sidestep Speaker Kevin McCarthy and work with Democrats on a legislative solution.

Rep. Don Bacon, R-Neb., said Monday evening that using a procedural tool known as a discharge petition to force a House vote on a “clean” debt limit increasewas dead on arrival. The mechanism requires 218 signatories — in the current House, that means at least six Republicans and all Democrats — to ensure a vote on a bill, even if the speaker doesn’t want to bring it up.

No Florida Youth Pastors were harmed in the creation of this blog post.    

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis filed a complaint against the Orlando Philharmonic Plaza Foundation alleging that the nonprofit group held a sexually explicit drag show in December in the presence of minors.

The complaint, filed Friday through the Department of Business and Professional Regulation’s Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco and shared with NBC News, alleges the foundation violated Florida statutes on lewdness and maintaining a public nuisance and seeks to revoke its liquor license.

The complaint is at least the second that DeSantis’ administration has filed against a venue for hosting a drag performance in the presence of minors. In July, his administration filed a similar complaint against Miami restaurant R House, citing a 1947 state Supreme Court case that found “men impersonating women” in the context of “suggestive and indecent” performances constitutes a public nuisance.

Problem: states’ rights includes states protecting abortion access. The lunatic right’s solution: have a single openly partisan activist judge summarily declare the pill illegal nationwide

Swiss, jeez. 

Switzerland pivots to allow re-export of weapons to Ukraine

The leader of the center-right FDP party, Thierry Burkart, has submitted a motion to the government to allow arms re-exports to countries with similar democratic values to Switzerland.

“We want to be neutral, but we are part of the western world,” said Burkart.

He added that Switzerland should not support Russia.

“We shouldn’t have the veto to stop others helping Ukraine,” he told journalists.  “If we do that, we support Russia – which is not a neutral position.”

Reuters writes that Swiss social democrats and green liberals adhere to a similar opinion.

The Swiss Flag was first used as a national flag during the Napoleonic Wars by general Niklaus Franz von Bachmann, and as regimental flag of all cantonal troops from 1841. It is the only national flag that is square.



About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Alby says:

    The Rude Pundit took Jason’s recent point that far more kids are molested by youth pastors than drag queens and ran with it: He thinks drag queens should hold protests outside the molesters’ churches.


  2. bamboozer says:

    DeSantis now casts his Fascist net ever further in the epic battle against the evil of drag shows, which remain rather popular despite the usual efforts at demonizing them. It’s also a fine example of religion trying to inveigle itself into the government, as they try to make us dance to their superstitious tune. As for the games with the debt ceiling expect it to go on until the bitter end, just like last time. The only question being will it be default and the resulting mass panic of the business world, or merely a down graded credit rating, that will cost us billions yet again. Kid Coons? Flush, rinse, repeat.

  3. jason330 says:

    I haven’t seen any polling but the GOP will be reaping a whirlwind when it comes to the debt ceiling. Biden has done a great job putting the focus on their idiocy.