Delaware Liberal

Chris Coons is Simply Lying About Not Knowing About QAnon

Ed Note: This post was first published on Mar 24, 2022 at 08:04.  It is now getting some hits so I’m moving it up to see what’s up.  

Consultants have been telling Republican members of Congress to say that they don’t know what QAnon is when asked about it, and its influence on the party. Chris Coons is also adopting that strategy.

Michael McAuliff
· 16h
Question: Are you concerned Republicans may be trying to play to the Q-anon base?
Sen. Chris Coons: “I wouldn’t understand what an appeal to the Q-anon base looks like. So if that’s what’s going on, I’m missing it. Because frankly, that’s not a frame that resonates with me.”

This is derived from the GOP’s successful strategy of denying that they follow the news when asked about something Trump said.

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