Speakers Announced for Saturday’s DEGOP Jamboree

Filed in National by on February 16, 2023

For a measly 95 bucks you can listen to this dork talk about how climate change is a hoax.   Or this dork talk about how we really can’t do anything about mass shootings because “freedom” the flag and Ronald Reagan.  




Saturday, February 18, 2023 

Modern Maturity Center – Dover


David R. Legates, Ph.D., C.C.M.

Legates received a B.A. in Mathematics and Geography (double major) in 1982, a M.S. in Geography-Climatology in 1985, and a Ph.D. in Climatology in 1988, all from the University of Delaware.  His expertise lies in hydroclimatology/surface water hydrology, precipitation and climate change, spatial analysis and spatial statistics, and statistical/numerical methods.  Legates’ dissertation was entitled “A Climatology of Global Precipitation” and focused on obtaining a better picture of global precipitation by incorporating a high-resolution precipitation gage database that was adjusted for changes in instrumentation and biases associated with the precipitation gage measurement process.  His climatology of precipitation continues to be widely used as it is still the only global climatology available that addresses the gage measurement bias problem.


Representative Lyndon Yearick
Lyndon serves as Representative in the 34th District and is the House Minority Whip.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:

    Just look at that fucking guy. The Koch industries will support any sad-sack, ragamuffin with a Phd who is willing to lie about climate change.

  2. RE Vanella says:

    Look like a rugby ball on its end with a toupee on.

    The only fuel that propels the Delaware GOP is intergenerational inherited wealth. Show me Delaware reactionary org & I’ll show you that the money comes from centuries old passive capital that was originally earned – if it was ever truly earned – by these ghouls’ 3rd cousin or great grandparents. Fucking joke.

  3. mediawatch says:

    What a waste of 95 bucks. You can hear Yearick for free 2-3 days a week from January through June in Leg Hall. And Legates’ expertise is limited to what many would agree is the least sexy of the Rethugs’ cornucopia of discredited grievances.
    Honest Abe would turn over in his grave if he saw the agenda for this shitshow.

  4. John Kowalko says:

    200 years ago Legates would have ridden into town on a wagon with a case of “snakeoil” and would have left hog-tied to a rail with a suited of feathered tar. Shyster, con-artist and charlatan are not even sufficient terms to describe this climate-change denying pile of human excrement. Wishing you and whatever remaining Koch fungi a happy camping trip to the next California wildfire site. Bring lots of gasoline for cooking you phony imbecile. Former Rep. John Kowalko


    Wig change would help but little exercise would be better .Can arrange little walk /run for him GLASGOW PARK . 2.6 miles roundabout today and tomorrow. Just advise time.