Poll Results 2/20/23 – DeSantis Nickname and Carney’s Replacement
“Meatball Ron” was a clear favorite (89%) for a nickname for Ron Desantis among the nicknames Trump was beta-testing. I happen to like “Mini Me” as it is both derisive and by including the word “Me” allows Trump to keep the focus on his favorite topic. I also really liked “Bootsie” as it keeps fresh the image of the ridiculous DeSantis looking ridiculous.
As for this week’s poll – we’re back to local with a real evergreen tracking poll. “Who will succeed John Carney as Governor of Delaware?” Note that this isn’t – “Who would you like to succeed John Carney as Governor of Delaware?” although that sentiment will undoubtedly bleed through.
I think it’s BHL race to lose. She has sussex, Kent and sncc locked up. She works hard, has built name recognition the last 8 years and I think will perform better in the city than many think.
Matt Meyer will raise more money and prob run a sexier campaign. But his unimpressive 56 percent in the democratic primary for his re election showed how much he pissed off segments of the democratic coalition, like labor and much of south of the canal due to his developer ties. Matt’s a nice guy but I think he’s comes off fake to many outside the Uber rich areas that made him county exec like hockesin and Greenville. He ran against an old corpse Tom Gordon and got a lot of votes first time around for not being Tom Gordon.
I don’t see any other viable lanes. Mcguiness is cooked. Trini is a hack happy to have a state job. Lydia York is happy to be auditor. Colleen Davis is happy to be treasurer. Wild card who would have a shot is Kathleen Jennings but not seeing her get in at this point.
Can someone from leg hall make a run? Maybe but I don’t see them as as viable. To me McBride wants to be in DC one day not Dover.
Now the LT gov race? Once again that will be a free for all and have no clue.
Very good analysis.
Sorry about this comment being auto-trashed.
Nice to know the campaign office is open after-hours.
So… you’re saying you like Bethany for Gov?
Bethany in 2024. No doubts.
Freeping season started so early this year.
Next thing you know they’ll be stealing your signs.
A Meatball is an idiot. It fits, even though Ron is no idiot. He’s just another political asshole. We’d b better off if the press just ran down his myriad “sins”
Quick, name one reason she deserves the job and what she’ll do with it.
Can any of these acolytes give people a reason to vote for her? Because I can’t think of one. She’s a zero, just like the current governor. If that’s what you want, you’re fucked in the head beyond redemption.
Whoever added “Life-size Cardboard Cutout of John Carney”. Sorry, unless you want to change the DE constitution, the Life-size Cardboard Cutout of John Carney is term limited.
Why? the cutout is smarter and doesn’t do the clumsy back stab. Clearly different:)
BHL seems like the likely heir apparent, but I just don’t know that she can survive a primary with a strong progressive challenger
Who is that progressive? Eugene Young ? He’d be good but I don’t see any prep work so,