DL Open Thread Tuesday February 21 2023

Filed in National by on February 21, 2023

Republican racist/xenphobic performance art in Texas is really going off the rails.

Chinese community in Texas are incensed over a proposal to ban them from buying property in the state

“I have never seen the Chinese community this active and this motivated in my entire adult life. The community is inflamed right now. They are enraged.”

Protesters in Houston, Texas organize on Feb. 11, 2023 against proposed state Senate Bill 147, which would restrict citizens of China and three other countries from buying property in the state.

Delaware’s most overrated town is really missing its “replica orb” 

Cannonball missing from Lewes museum: Replica orb important in telling city’s history

The cannonball lodged into the foundation of the Lewes Historical Society’s Cannonball House has been stolen.

Lewes police are seeking information on the whereabouts of the historical item. Anyone with information is asked to call 302-645-6264.

The Cannonball House on Front Street is home to the historical society’s Maritime Museum. The home, built in the 18th century, was damaged in the bombardment of Lewes during the War of 1812.

Lawless cops.

Qualified Immunity Is Burning a Hole in the Constitution

Lawless legislators. 

Watching the Kingdom of Jesusland crash and burn would be entertaining AF, and as much as some citizens of the LGBTQ States of America would like a divorce, threatening civil war because you are angry losers who lost is not feasible.

“National divorce” isn’t a real position. You don’t need to think through how it’d actually work. They don’t know either. What people who say it actually mean is that they deserve to be in charge, and if they’re not—eg because they lost elections—they’re entitled to get violent.

Why not try to do better in the next election?



About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Alby says:

    “not even NATO ally’s.”

    The mark of a fine Georgia education.

  2. puck says:

    Biden walks, chews gum at the same time: Israel declares temporary pause on new West Bank settlements

    The move appears to be the fruit of behind-the-scenes talks by the US with Israeli and Palestinian officials.,

    There have been temporary pauses before, but at least it’s something. Meanwhile in Iran, and probably not unrelated:

    Nuclear inspectors in Iran have reportedly discovered uranium in the country that has been enriched to 84 percent purity — just below the level needed to develop nuclear weapons, reports found.

  3. Alby says:

    In today’s installment of “We’re No Longer a Delaware News Outlet,” the News-Journal is featuring an article about prix fixe restaurants — in Philadelphia, Delaware County and New Jersey.

    I get it that all the reporters they hire want to live in Philadelphia, but nobody else in Delaware does — if they wanted to be in Philadelphia they’d move there.

    • puck says:

      “Delaware – So close to where you’d rather be.”

      • Alby says:

        So close to where their reporters would rather be, anyway.

      • Andrew C says:

        When I was at a high school academic competition in the late 90s, we had to choose some sort of slogan or saying to represent our state when the team was announced at the big dinner on the final day.

        We chose “Delaware – Caution: May Cause Drowsiness”

    • Arthur says:

      Dont worry, in another 3 months itll be all dewey all the time

  4. bamboozer says:

    What passes for news these days is a celebration of the rich and money in general, and as ever, where the money is at is a magnet unto them. But I digress, Police Brutality is as old as the police themselves, the profession attracts the violent, the bully’s and sociopaths. The politicians fear them, as do I. They now embrace a militaristic view of law enforcement and as ever seek ever more money from the government. As for Philadelphia, New York and any other city I’m glad to be free of your grasp. To some extent.

  5. nathan arizona says:

    slowly walking down the hall
    faster than a cannon ball
    where were you when we were getting high?

    — Noel Gallagher