Lewes missing replica cannon ball story has the most Lewes ending imaginable

Filed in National by on February 23, 2023

Bombshell report: Lewes cannonball found!

The cannonball from the Lewes Maritime Museum at the Cannonball House along Front Street has been returned. The disappearance grabbed the attention of the First Town in the First State, prompting a slew of amateur detectives to take up the case both online and at the site itself.

“The case of the cannonball caper has come to a close,” said Lewes Historical Society Executive Director Andrew Lyter at a press conference outside the Cannonball House. He said the return of the symbol speaks to the community of Lewes.

Zwaanendael Museum Lead Historical Interpreter Devon Filicicchia found the missing cannonball on the sidewalk in front of the Fisher-Martin House along Kings Highway on her way into work the morning of Feb. 23.

I expect a long legal battle over who owns the movie rights to this riveting true crime drama.

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Al Catraz says:

    And thus, harmony was restored and peace returned to Lewes.

  2. Arthur says:

    in all the movies when a major historical heist like this occurs the piece ends up in some billionaires private collection in a hidden room only they go into. What a disappointing end to this tale.