Delaware Liberal

If you were walking in your community and saw a crushed soda can on the sidewalk, would you pick it up?

Let’s say there was a trash can 10 yards beyond the crushed can, so your commitment to this project would be minimal – would you then?

If you were walking in your community and saw a crushed soda can on the sidewalk, would you curse the person who carelessly threw it down? Would your mind jump to some imaginary police composite sketch of the “perp” and would that sketch look a hell of a lot like American civil rights activist Colin Kaepernick? 

I’ve been thinking a lot about what makes modern Republicans tick lately and I think Republicans would take encountering that litter as yet another chance to get angry.  The racism and hatred is on a hair-trigger.  It’s like confirmation bias is the oxygen they breath.

Whereas normal Americans would take encountering that litter as another chance to silently and anonymously do something nice for their community.   Maybe that’s pollyannaish thinking.  Who knows?




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