Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread Monday March 6 2023

The Delaware Court of Chancery is a bunch of milquetoast pussies who will never bop the fuck out Fox News like it needs bopping.  (And I know that all you milquetoast pussies read this blog, so now I’ve called you milquetoast pussies to your face twice, so you basically have to bop the fuck out of Fox News.  Checkmate, motherfuckers!!)

Fox News and its parent company face serious threats to their financial and reputational health from a blockbuster defamation lawsuit tied to coverage of the 2020 election that legal experts believe has a solid chance of succeeding.

Dominion Voting Systems, which brought the $1.6 billion suit, is a voting technology provider that argues Fox News defamed it by knowingly repeating falsehoods from former President Trump and his aides and allies that Dominion’s services were used to fraudulently elect Joe Biden to the White House.

32% of people are goddam idiots

32% is a stunningly predictable percentage of how many people are total dumb-fucks.   What percentage of people think Trump should be President? 32%  What percentage of people had a positive take on Bush as the Iraq war was revealed to be the cluster-fuck of the century? 32%   What percentage of Britons still think Brexit was the right call?  32% 

Someone got through to Trump and convinced him that he needed to turn away from whining about the last election and come up with an upbeat and forward looking campaign message.  So just befor CPAC he rolled out “flying cars” and hellish sounding MAGA enclaves.   

Former President Donald Trump on Friday will reportedly unveil a new plan to use federal lands to create what he will describe as “freedom cities” that will be filled with flying cars.

According to Politico, Trump will announce a design contest for up to 10 different “freedom cities” that also will include “an investment in the development of vertical-takeoff-and-landing vehicles; the creation of ‘hives of industry’ sparked by cutting off imports from China; and a population surge sparked by ‘baby bonuses’ to encourage would-be-parents to get on with procreation.”

The outlandish proposal comes as Trump has struggled to set out a positive vision for the future of the United States that does not revolve around false claims that the 2020 election was “rigged” against him.

In the video, Trump will compare his vision of futuristic cities to former President Dwight Eisenhower’s plan to create an interstate highway system, although building a flying-car paradise will undoubtedly be more expensive than that project.

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