Poll Results – This Week’s Poll: Who do you want to be Delaware’s next Lt Governor?

Filed in National by on March 6, 2023

As to the question  “Which issue should Bethany Hall Long pick to be her signature issue in the upcoming gubernatorial race?”

It was a dead heat with “Access to healthcare for women in post Roe Delaware (24%)” barely edging out  “Continuing the work of the Carney admin (21%)” and “Addressing the wanton lawlessness of DE Cops through LEBOR reform (23%)”.

All of those are funny to me. “Addressing the wanton lawlessness of DE Cops through LEBOR reform” is perhaps the most hilarious.  This has less than zero percent chance of being a concern of the possible Hall-Long administration.   But it reminds me… Pete wants a special license plate for cops.  I haven’t followed it closely, but what does the plate commemorate?

LEOBOR Today, LEOBOR tomorrow, LEOBOR forever! ?

Onward to this week’s

The floor is open and please note the wording is: Who do you WANT to be the next Lt Gov.   So all you Tabatha fans, this is your moment.



About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:

    Periodically I’m going to have a laugh, then remove people who are joke candidates (provided I get the joke).

    Hopefully the list will make some reasonable sense by next Monday.

  2. bamboozer says:

    If the cops remain true to form there will be yet another outrage, numerous beatings and the odd senseless killing at some point. As noted reforming and/or abolishing LEOBAR will not be done in our life times. But suspect that if the usual atrocities occur, as they surely will, LEOBAR will make a fine stick to beat the far right with, it is an opportunity that should not be missed.

  3. I doubt she’d be interested, but I voted for Dee Durham. A rare public official with integrity, and a strong environmentalist as well.

    For both Bryan Townsend and Sarah McBride, Lt. Governor would be a step down as they’re more valuable in the State Senate (or running for an IMPORTANT statewide or federal office).

    • delacrat says:

      In that vein, if Pete Schwarzkopf was kicked upstairs and out of the speaker’s chair he’d be rendered harmless.

  4. BTW, who is Jamie Collins?

    • Alby says:

      Some young Republican who’s into “job creation.”

      Who got removed?

      • Jason330 says:

        Richard Korn

        • Alby says:

          I guess this is what we get when we let readers touch the windshield wiper controls.

          • Ben T says:

            Jamie is the son of the late former NCC Executive Rick Collins as I recall as I think he ran against Dee Durham last election. He positioned himself as a moderate R, socially liberal while being pro economic growth.

            • El Somnambulo says:

              Oh, right. The guy who couldn’t spell the road he allegedly lived on correctly on his filing form. Nice to know his campaign manager is still shilling for him.

        • Alby says:

          I think you should replace young Mr. Collins with JoJo the Dog-Faced Boy, who has a much better chance of getting the job. It would give his fanboi a sad, though.

  5. SussexWatcher says:

    The poll doesn’t have a vote button any more?

    • Ben T says:

      And my comments aren’t getting posted

    • Ben T says:

      I like Tabatha’s background after looking at her more closely. She’s young, fresh, a political outsider of sorts. She could bring a nice and new perspective. I think she could definitely run for something, whether it’s governor or something else. We should keep her in the polls.

  6. Jason330 says:


    Anyone but Sara McBride. What a complete waste of political capital and energy.

  7. jason330 says:

    whoever nominated “John Carney – He did a great job in this useless role once before”. I lol’ed

    Also – Yes. Kathy McG for that useless job above Sarah McB, but removed on the grounds of jokery.

  8. Doug says:

    LEBOR reform huh? Let’s start with a push to have children taught what is right and wrong. Yea there are bad cops indeed but there are one hell of a lot of criminals these days too. Just using my common sense again

    • Jason330 says:

      Yeah. You are smart. Let’s hold off addressing the fact that under LEOBOR cops are free to be judge, jury and executioner until we, by some unknown means, enter some vague era of crimlessness.

      Common sense abounds.

    • Alby says:

      You’re common, but senseless.

      One has nothing to do with the other. Cops don’t have to be thugs to do their job.

  9. delacrat says:


    “[T]here are bad cops indeed” because when they were children, they were not “taught what is right and wrong”.

    That’s why we need LEOBOR reform.

  10. Joe Connor says:

    One dead one wounded, no details by NCCPD yesterday!