Delaware Liberal

And lo, the answer came forth clear…

Whan that new poll by Mason-Dixon fair
Did make its way unto the air
Conducted by the Fairness Campaign bright
A pro-LGBTQ rights group with might

The question posed did bring to light
A topic of great moral right
Should state leaders have the power
To overrule parents’ wishes hour by hour?

And lo, the answer came forth clear
From seventy-one percent without fear
Nay, say they, such laws should not exist
For parents’ wishes should always persist

In matters of their children’s lives
The power should rest in their hives
For who can know a child’s heart
Better than those who from birth did impart?

So let it be known throughout the land
That parents’ wishes should remain grand
And state leaders should not interfere
In matters of their children dear.

Dear ChatGpt – In the style of Chaucer, can you write a about A new Mason-Dixon poll by the Fairness Campaign, that showed 71% of respondents oppose laws letting state leaders overrule parents’ wishes?

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