Delaware General Assembly Pre-Game Show: Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on March 7, 2023

It’s ba-a-a-ck. Polished to a diamond gleam by Rep. Osienski. We’re talking HB 1, which:

…removes all penalties for use or possession of a personal use quantity of marijuana and marijuana accessories. It further specifies that the adult sharing of a personal use quantity or less of marijuana is legal activity for those 21 years of age or older and that those 21 or older may possess, use, display, purchase, or transport accessories and personal use quantities of marijuana without penalty. When transporting in a vehicle, those items must be in a closed container or otherwise not readily accessible to anyone inside the vehicle.

First on today’s House Agenda.  This, of course, will be the freebie vote.  It will pass. It will pass in the Senate.  Perhaps John Carney has read all those reports that he claimed not to have read last year, and will sign the bill.  I kid, I kid.  Delaware’s Worst Governor Of All-Time will do nothing of the sort.  Meaning, the fate of legalization resides with certain cowardly and/or disingenuous legislators. Just like it did last session.  Keep a jaundiced eye on the following: Sean Matthews, Stephanie Bolden, Stell Parker Shelby, Mike Ramone and Michael Smith.  I figure that Speaker Pete, Lumpy Carson and Bill Bush are lost causes.  Even if any of them vote yes today, they’ll be with Carney when the vote to override comes around.

The Senate has no posted Agenda today.

Only one House Committee meeting today.  But it contains the ‘Digital Right To Repair’ bill.  A good bill that could have been a great bill.  Unfortunately, the automotive industry got its greedy paws on it, and this was the result:

“This amendment inserts language excluding motor vehicle manufacturers, manufacturers of motor vehicle equipment, and motor vehicle dealers from the bill.”

Lest you had any doubt who the legislators really represent.

Huge committee day tomorrow.  See ya then.


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  1. bamboozer says:

    Take the Good Government Delaware Challenge! Name one governor of the last 45 years who was “good”, other then to the rich and the corporations they own. Moving to Delaware in the mid seventies it was obvious that “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know” was firmly in place, and that politicians could be had at some price as the will of the electorate was ignored. Legalizing weed comes to mind.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      Why 45 years?

      Ah, excluding Russ Peterson.

    • Arthur says:

      I was thinking the same thing when i read the “john carney worst governor of all time” and sadly the best governor would be Ruth Ann solely for the Clean Indoor Air Act, which for the first time ever, Delaware was ahead of the curve

  2. Alby says:

    But growing your own remains illegal? Fuck them.

    • bamboozer says:

      Home grow would deprive the state, and the people that mean to seize control of legal weed, the grand pay off of revenue for the state and profit for those that emerge as the winners in this states stunted at birth politics. As ever it’s money, money , money. And as ever doing what the electorate wants matters not.

      • Alby says:

        It was the same reason they dragged their feet so long on allowing home-brewed beer.

      • Jean says:

        The revenue dollars lost from people growing at home is negligible; growing the real high-test stuff is labor and materials intensive and most people like the convenience of a dispensary. Restricting cultivation through licensing allows the permits to be transacted as political favors

        • Alby says:

          Convenience? Not at the price they charge. And if you have a good strain of seeds you grow it as you would any crop.

          • Jean says:

            I’ve done the math on this. It’s a break even proposition at best if you grow 1-2 plants year round for personal use. This includes labor (I calculate it at 15/hr), electric, fertilizer etc. scale and frequency of consumption makes a big difference. You would have to consume the entire harvest to push it over the edge.

        • bamboozer says:

          Nope, growing it is just like any other plant, the potency lies in the seed stock and growing it as “Sinsemilla”. Just like farming the labor intensive part comes with planting and harvesting.

    • puck says:

      Is it usual for states that have legal weed to continue to ban growing your own? Or is that just a Delaware thing?

      • bamboozer says:

        Some yes, some no, it’s based on who wants to make money from legalization. In Delaware greed is as unto god, and as such though shalt not grow weed. Fuck that, I will if I want.

  3. RE Vanella says:

    I engaged in personal use this a.m. to mark the occasion.

    Recording Friday’s show today. It’s going to be good. (I’m sorry.)

    We have come into possession of some pretty disturbing info. We’ll reveal it for patrons only after an interview with former State Sen Karen Peterson on the Medicare Advantage bullshit. That interview will be available to all.

    We didn’t even steal a laptop.

  4. Arthur says:

    Please educate me on the weed stuff.
    – The main issue is the personal consumption of it?
    – Also, they dont want people to grow their own?
    – Individuals selling it would still be illegal?
    – Dispensaries would be able to sell a variety?

    Who cares if people grow their own and smoke it. There are no weed bars to go and hang out and smoke it communally correct? Where is the state losing money besides licensing weed farms and collecting taxes from the sale of week and its accessories? Most home brewers still go to bars and brew pubs to drink other flavors. Wouldnt that be the same as with weed?

  5. The vote on HB 1:

    28 Y

    13 No: Briggs King, Collins, Dukes, Gray, Hensley, Hilovsky, Morris, Postles, Short, Shupe, Vanderwende, Yearick, Schwartzkopf.

    Bolden originally went not voting, switched to yes.