Delaware Liberal

Song of the Day 3/7: Sweet, “Fox on the Run”

The Dominion lawsuit against Fox “News” has provided receipts showing the Murdoch media empire is nothing but a propaganda arm of the international fascist movement, which isn’t news to anybody with a working set of critical faculties. Though we should never doubt the ability of the American justice system to fail at administering justice, a lot of people think Fox is going to lose this one.

What I find most interesting about the case is that the company’s executives were pissing their pants because they were in danger of losing some of their drooling viewers to less sophisticated sophists. This is interesting because Fox doesn’t make its money off of advertising but rather cable fees — the average cable service subscriber pays $1.72 a month to Fox, whether you ever watch it or not.

This, Sweet’s 14th single, was the first one actually written by the band rather than its producers. It reached No. 5 in the US in 1975, and was the No. 1 single of the year in Australia.

It was actually the second time Sweet recorded the song. The first, harder-rocking version was released in 1974 on their LP “Desolution Boulevard.”

The song has been covered by many bands, including the Red Hot Chili Peppers and the Replacements, but the oddest was by the German band Scorpions, who rewrote the lyrics so that it’s no longer about a groupie but an actual fox hunt.

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