Announcing DL’s April Highlands Bunker Patron Drive

Filed in National by on March 16, 2023

In 2022 the Highland’s Bunker established itself as an energetic and necessary part of Delaware’s news infrastructure. I could regale you with endless reasons as to why you ought to pledge your patronage and stand behind the Bunker, and rest assured, I shall do just that come April.

But for the present, let’s not lose sight of the grander scheme: the fight against the voracious maw of late-stage capitalism, and the liberation of the common man from the shackles of power.

Let’s not forget that this fight, while arduous, can and should be a jolly good time. And so, I implore you, indulge in this mini-episode with a joyful heart.

If you like this, make sure to sign up for a patronage at

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (8)

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  1. Jason330 says:

    “I got a big net.”

  2. RE Vanella says:

    New installments of our Senate guys (previewed here) twice monthly on a patrons only special we’re calling the Fun Part.

    Fun Part (part) 1 dropped last week. Delaware Cops Are at It Again…

    State v. MacColl
    Murder on Maryland Ave
    Senate basement tape #1…

    As little as 2 bucks a month and so forth.

  3. Paul says:

    I would gently recommend that Carper retire before the primary in 2024, and Coons do the same in 2026.

    • jason330 says:

      Carper is not going to quit. He’ll need to be removed. Coons would probably leave if he is offered something as cushy as the US Senate. There are not many to those jobs around. Maybe President of Princeton University.

  4. Paul says:

    Would it not be wonderful if Delaware’s two US Senators could speak truth to power in the US Senate without 1 ½ hands tied behind their backs? Please God, not more Delaware Way. Authentic voices for working Delawareans.

    • jason330 says:

      They have longstanding reputations as the worst Blu State senators. There are some equally execrable Dem senators, but they are from “swing” states.

  5. RE Vanella says:

    And, yeah, yeah, everyone skips the idealogical deep dives.. but this one is accessible. Just like the book under discussion.

    Episode 233(!) Fetters Burst Asunder with my friend from the UK, the Marxist scholar and cricket fan, Steve Paxton, on his newest book “How Capitalism Ends – History, Ideology and Progress.”

    (Many haters said this couldn’t be done. Lol)