Delaware Liberal

Was Chris Coons knowingly working with Moscow to destabilize American banking?

As SVB failure spreads to Credit Suisse, it is worth looking at what motivated Coons to help Trump (and by extension Putin) by gutting Dodd-Frank in order to destabilize American banking.

What we know:
– By 2018 it was widely reported and well known that Trump was working as an unregistered agent the Putin’s government in Moscow.

– Coons worked to undermine the specific stress test & liquidity requirement protections in Dodd-Frank that would have prevented SVB (the nation’s 16th largest bank) from failing.

Trump worked overtime throughout the weekend after the SVB to encourage a general run on American banking and more widespread bank failures.

Coons has stonewalled questions from media about his motives and current thinking on having voted to destabilize American banking.

It is clear that Putin is the ultimate beneficiary of American banking destabilization cause by Coons votes to gut Dodd-Frank. The question is – was Chris Coons knowingly working with Moscow?

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