Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Saturday, March 18, 2023

Conventional Wisdom: DeSantis Is Flaming Out Already:

But the DeSantis salad days appear to be over. Perhaps Republican voters have already forgotten that Trump almost singlehandedly doomed their Senate takeover last cycle—they do tend to like alternative realities. Or maybe Trump’s unchallenged broadsides have truly begun to take effect.

Whatever the case, DeSantis’ star has started to fall in consecutive polls taken by the same pollster.

A Quinnipiac University poll this week, for instance, put Trump over DeSantis by double digits, 46% – 32%. In February, the same outlet saw a tighter race between the two frontrunners, with Trump leading DeSantis by just 6 points, 42% – 36%.

But Quinnipiac isn’t the only pollster that has found DeSantis slipping. The New York Times‘ Nate Cohn crunched the numbers from about a dozen outlets over the past several months and found an “unequivocal” trend away from DeSantis.

“Every single one of these polls has shown Mr. DeSantis faring worse than before, and Mr. Trump faring better,” Cohn wrote.

Don’t think DeSantis’ ‘territorial dispute’ characterization of Russia vs. Ukraine did him any favors either.  Still (a) it’s early; (b) even Trump supporters have expressed a desire for a less divisive alternative, and: (c) the conventional wisdom is almost always wrong.  In fact the ‘horse-race’ press is just setting DeSantis up for the ‘Comeback Kid’ meme.

Is Michigan The ‘Anti-Florida’?  It’s trending in the right (meaning left) direction:

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-Mich.) this week signed landmark legislation to protect the state’s LGBTQ community.

In the process, she and her allies sent a message about the kind of state they want Michigan to be ― and how they hope to fend off the agenda of the far right, both within Michigan’s borders and beyond.

Advocates have been trying to pass something like this for about 40 years. They have finally broken through because, in the 2022 election, voters returned Whitmer to office while giving complete control of the legislature to the Democrats. That hasn’t happened since the Reagan era.

The new House and Senate majorities have been working at a breakneck pace. The initiatives they have enacted or are on their way to passing include a new tax credit for the working poor, repeal of anti-union legislation and several initiatives designed to curb gun violence ― something very much on the mind of Michiganders following February’s mass shooting at Michigan State University.

So that there be no mistake on my position: Gretchen Whitmer For President!

Cali Homes Crumble.  They never should have been built in the first place.  Who’s gonna pick up the tab that should be borne by the mega-wealthy owners?

Another Police Cover-Up–This Time In Millsboro.  Did the cop eat the evidence, or just steal it?:

A Millsboro Police Department officer is under investigation for potentially tampering with a controlled substance in evidence, the department announced Friday.

The officer, whose name has not been publicly released, has been put on paid administrative leave.

Millsboro police said that the officer was found “unresponsive” in his patrol car at 11:20 a.m. on Feb. 19. He was taken to the hospital for possible exposure to fentanyl, according to the department.

When asked about why a press release was not issued until nearly a month after the investigation began, the chief of the Millsboro Police Department declined to comment.

I will: “Because we didn’t want anybody to know.”

What do you want to talk about?

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