All of the unhinged fascist legislation proposed by Ron DeSantis in one list

Filed in National by on March 25, 2023

The toxicity of worldview, and malevolent energy of this list is impressive.

The Florida Legislature, a body controlled by Republicans for over two decades, has ceased to function as an independent body and instead serves as a rubber stamp for Ron DeSantis. The result of this one party rule now completely steered by the whims of a single right wing fanatic is a slew of unhinged fascist legislation that targets vulnerable communities, diminishes our freedoms and serves special interest groups at the expense of working people.

The barrage of bills filed by Florida Republicans is hard to believe so I will list them below, one by one, to illustrate just how extreme these proposals truly are.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. puck says:

    Remember – if you spend vacation dollars in Florida, or own Florida real estate, you are an enabler of Florida’s fascism.

    Florida’s tourist income from out of state allows them to have no income tax, making it a haven for right wingers.

  2. bamboozer says:

    Is Delaware all that different? Having accepted the unwritten eleventh commandment (Thou shalt not tax the rich as they are sacred unto the lord) the tiny minds of Dover have substituted “clever” ways to tax the rest of us, if you look hard enough you can catch them playing the game, as in “6%? WTF!”. Hoping to live to see the next generation throw it all in the trash and start fresh. To quote Bob Marley ” Now the weak must get strong” , or just wake the hell up would be nice.