Delaware Liberal

We have to appeal to the 5% of voters in “the middle”

It seemed like Biden was breaking away from that toxic bullshit that crippled so many Democratic campaigns and candidates. Sadly, no.

What the Heck Is Joe Biden Thinking Lately?

After his historic midterm wins, he’s suddenly tacking right. A new hire may be why.

Perhaps that’s no surprise: These Obama-style policies have coincided with a major change atop the White House hierarchy of personnel. In late January, progressive ally Ron Klain announced he’d be stepping down as chief of staff; he was replaced by former corporate consultant and Obama apparatchik Jeffrey Zients. Zients has also brought Obama alums Anita Dunn and Steve Ricchetti—both effectively former lobbyists who have been criticized for evading the ethics constraints put on lobbyists—into greater decision-making positions.

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