Dear Republican Primary Voters, Please Nominate Trump!

Filed in National by on April 2, 2023

Speaking for all liberals and most Democrats – PLEASE NOMINATE Trump! Thanks! I know he could beat Joe Biden. As the only person who allowed that possibility vs Clinton, I still allow that crazy shit happens. But this isn’t 2016.

In order to defeat an incumbent President Biden in 2024, Trump needs to expand his electoral base; simply making that base more intense and upset doesn’t necessarily help him. There is no indication whatsoever that an indictment will convince undecided voters to favor Trump, or that it will convince Biden supporters to switch sides. Indeed, the indictment may simply add to the air of criminality that has followed Trump for most of his career, first as a real estate financier, then as a reality television star, and then as President. And let there be no doubt; the great many Americans who intensely dislike Donald Trump and would never consider casting a vote for him as President seems awfully happy that he’s under indictment.

All true.  Trump hasn’t won over a single additional voter since he rode the golden escalator down to the lobby of Trump Plaza.  But the electoral X’s and O’s aside, the main reason why I’m begging for Trump to be the nominee is that it makes the next Presidential election a clear cut referendum on this questions: Should the United States continue to be a democracy?

That is the one and only thing all people will be voting on. A Trump nomination sweeps all other questions aside. Whereas a DeSantis nomination could muddy the waters with CRT, anti-trans mania, oil leases, and any number of attacks on Biden, a Trump nomination makes the election about one thing – whether a government conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all people are created equal can long endure.

I may be naive, but I think enough Americans would support that proposition and therefor Biden (or Harris, or really any Dem) could win that argument.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:

    That said, the main reason why I’m begging for Trump to be the nominee is that it makes the next Presidential election a clear cut referendum on this questions: Should the United States continue to be a democracy?

    That is the one and only thing all people will be voting on. A Trump nomination sweeps all other questions aside. Whereas a DeSantis nomination could muddy the waters with CRT, anti-trans mania, oil leases, and any number of attacks on Biden, a Trump nomination makes the election about one thing – whether a government conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal can long endure.

    I may be naive, but I think enough Americans would support that proposition and therefor Biden (or Harris, or really any Dem) can win that argument.

  2. bamboozer says:

    Sadly many Americans remain naive when it comes to Fascism, and buy into the appeal of “strength”, that being the strength to crush all who object. As noted DeSantis and his laundry list of “Woke” evils, as in Aieee, it is the CRT!, will likely not fly other then in the south. I think democracy remains popular, and Fascism anathema to those that see it for what it really is.