Poll Results: Henry Bests Hartley-Nagle 47% to 40%

Filed in National by on April 3, 2023

In this very scientific poll regarding County President, Karen Hartley-Nagle lost to Marcus Henry.  The 13% of “other” voters were probably for Tabatha L. Castro.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jason330 says:

    With regard to this week’s poll, it is very gratifying to me to see my fellow commenters and lurkers come out early for Trump.

    The thing that has hobbled Democrats more than anything else in my life time is fear. Whereas FDR told us that fear was the only thing we needed to fear – every Democrat since McGovern has been terrorized by every campfire ghost story the GOP can come up with.

    Fear is the gas in our tank and wind in our sails. I’ll never get over thinking that Iowa Democrats saddled us with John Kerry because they were terrified by the “Latte drinking, New York Times reading” attacks on Howard Dean by the Republicans. Stupid fearful dolts and dullards in Iowa. We, as a party, are well rid of those pansy’s.