Delaware Liberal

Great Night For Progressives!

Progressives win key Wisconsin Supreme Court race and Chicago’s Mayoral race.

Wisconsin has artificially been ruled by Rethugs due to anti-democratic legislation pushed through by the likes of Ron Johnson. An acquiescent Supreme Court has kept these impediments in place. The overwhelming win by Janet Protasiewicz could well overturn that MAGA stranglehold:

The win by Protasiewicz comes at a pivotal time for the court, and for the Democratic voters who carried her to office. Justices are all but certain to hear a challenge to Wisconsin’s pre-Civil War abortion ban, and with a liberal majority, they’re likely to consider a lawsuit that could overturn Wisconsin’s Republican-drawn legislative maps.

Barring the unexpected, the victory also assures that liberals will hold a majority on the court ahead of next year’s presidential election, when Wisconsin — the perennial swing state — is expected to again be pivotal in the race for the White House. If election lawsuits are filed in state court, Protasiewicz will be one of the seven justices who have the final say.

“Our state is taking a step forward to a better and brighter future where our rights and freedoms will be protected,” Protasiewicz said. “And while there is still work to be done, tonight we celebrate this historic victory that has obviously reignited hope in so many of us.

While she never promised to rule one way or another on cases that come before the Supreme Court, Protasiewicz was especially open about her politics during the campaign. On the issue of abortion, she said she believed women have a right to choose. When it came to redistricting, she called the state’s Republican-drawn legislative maps “rigged.”

Cook County Commissioner Brandon Johnson defeated Markellian corporate education proponent Paul Vallas to become Chicago’s next mayor.  Hardly anyone had even heard of Johnson six months ago, but he ran an unabashed progressive campaign–and won.  You’ve got to check out his victory speech.

“The truth is the people have always worked for Chicago,” Johnson said. “Whether you wake up early to open the doors of your businesses or wear a badge to protect our streets or nurse patients in need or provide childcare services, you have always worked for this city and now Chicago will begin to work for its people. All the people.”

In his victory speech, Johnson struck a triumphant and highly optimistic note. He talked about how tonight means the civil rights movement and labor rights movement have finally won, and said his government will be a government that truly belongs to the people of Chicago.

Hmmm, running openly on one’s progressive values just might catch on…

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