Delaware Liberal

What does Trump mean by “racist in reverse”?

So much mangled English spills out of Trump’s pie hole so regularly that it is hard to keep up with the linguistic shitshow. And yet, this one caught my ear: “reverse racism”

Trump called Manhattan DA investigating him a ‘Racist in Reverse’. He has also used the term “reverse racism” to describe the terrible indignity of being a white person persecuted by a black person simply for being white. But that is simply “racism.”

Trump thinks (or want his followers to think) that the Manhattan DA is being an anti-white racists. But where does the reverse come in? What is he getting at?

When Trump says “reverse racism” he is obviously he is making a value judgement about the kind of racism he is enduring. As Trump uses it, “reverse racism” is an illegitimate perversion of the regular racism directed at African American people by white people.

Regular racism is the normative state. It is fine. We all understand and accept regular racism. We live and breath it. But when a black person attacks a white person solely for being white, well – that is shocking. That shit needs to be called out, and simply saying “racist” doesn’t cut it.

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