Delaware Sportsman’s Assoc & DEGOP working hard to make our next mass shooting MUCH worse

Filed in National by on April 8, 2023

Although details of the Christiana Mall shooting appear to be embargoed by the Delaware State Police for the time being, one thing is certain – if the Delaware Sportsman’s Association and the DEGOP get there way, our next shooting will be much worse.

Currently the Delaware Sportsman’s Association is engaged in a court fight to make  assault riffles, military weapons and very high capacity magazines  freely available to Delaware’s teens and nutcases.

In an ongoing effort to ensure that all future School shooters and Mall shooters are armed to the teeth, the DSA is fighting to overturn HB450 prohibited “the manufacture, sale, offer to sell, transfer, purchase, receipt, possession, or transport of assault weapons in Delaware, subject to certain exceptions.”    The legal challenge is based on the controlling legal precedent that all guns should be available to anyone at all times.





About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (14)

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  1. Jason330 says:

    Well, that’s my point. So thanks for reading. From what I’ve seen so far it was not kind of military weapons that the gun nuts want to make ubiquitous.

    If the shooter used machine guns and the weapons of war that the Del Sportsman’s Association are suing to get into the hands of teens, and any random nut case that can say “I’m sane”, then I think we’d have seen more casualties and fatalities.

    • Jean says:

      Agreed. And we need to start removing the nut cases from society. I’d welcome an extra 1k/year tax to rebuild farnhurst with a D.J.T. Memorial wing for all the terminal RNWJs. We can give them toy guns to swaddle.

  2. Jean says:

    Thinking about the incident involving the kid who was ejected from main events earlier this year. Wonder if mall security has been reticent to adopt a more proactive approach in addressing issues given the blowback.

    Conversely maybe it’s time to close food courts in malls. That’s where all the problems seem to start and end.

    • Jason330 says:

      Yeah. Food courts. That’s the crux problem.

      • Jean says:

        Call it a hunch, but if the food courts were replaced with mid tier/better sit down restaurants you wouldn’t have these issues. This could have easily been a large brawl. Better to just remove the elements of the space that attract the sleaze balls

        • jason330 says:

          Call it a hunch but you think Bryant Gumbel is one of the “good ones”.

          • Jean says:

            Knock it off, if you want to craft a message about mass shootings and guns there are (sadly) a million better examples. This was not one of them. This story is about problematic human behavior, likely gang affiliation, and lack of better options for youth recreation. There are a lot of good progressive threads in there.

            • jason330 says:

              Your lectures are dope. You are very smart and totally not racist.

            • I’m with Jean here. She’s a valuable new voice to the blog. Not sure why she’s being dissed, but I hope she continues to comment.

              • jason330 says:

                I’ve seen this type of nice, polite racist for so long. I’m over it. But nobody is getting banned. So lecture away. We all need to know what the “Why don’t they just pull up their pants and follow the cops orders?” crowd thinks.

        • puck says:

          ” if the food courts were replaced with mid tier/better sit down restaurants you wouldn’t have these issues.”

          This is the same sentiment as “If zoning required single-family homes on one-acre lots you wouldn’t have these issues.”

  3. jason330 says:

    “Although details of the Christiana Mall shooting appear to be embargoed…”

    The embargo is tight. Unless 15 hours with no new info/zero updates normal(?)

    Am I missing something? That is a very real possibility. So if anyone has seen anything recent, let us know.