Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread Wednesday April 12 2023

Carney’s Communications Director got wigged out by a super obvious question.  

Delaware Governor Has ‘No Updates’ on Adult-Use Cannabis Bills, Which May Become Law Without His Signature

Adult-use cannabis legislation received three-fifths majority support in the Delaware General Assembly March 28, but Democratic Gov. John Carney’s office has been tight-lipped on the issue since.

Carney, who is term-limited and cannot seek reelection in November 2024, has yet to publicly act upon House Bill 1 and House Bill 2. The complementary bills aim to legalize the possession of up to 1 ounce of cannabis for personal use by adults 21 and older, and to set up a structure to regulate commercial cultivation and retail in the state.

When Cannabis Business Times reached out to Carney’s office April 11, Communications Director Emily Hershman said the governor has “no updates” on those bills. When asked if the governor plans to let the legislation become law without his signature, Hershman did not immediately respond and did not return a call to the governor’s office.

D’oh!   Who could possibly have seen that question coming?   Anyway, it appears the goofiness may be related to some deal that has been struck in which Carney will allow the bill to become law without his signature  [stage whisper] …as long as nobody asks him about it.   Check this part out: 

The Delaware Constitution provides 10 days (excluding Sundays) for the governor to act on legislation: either by signing or vetoing a bill. Any bill left unaddressed by the governor becomes law.

It has been 12 days (excluding Sundays) since the General Assembly passed H.B. 1 and H.B. 2, but it’s unclear exactly when that 10-day counter started ticking. Did the governor receive those bills right away? Was there a day or two when the bills sat in a clerk’s office? Neither the governor’s office nor the bills’ sponsor, Democratic Rep. Ed Osienski, has provided CBT clarity on that timeline.

Osienski did tell CBT that he will issue a press release April 14 related to the status of H.B. 1 and H.B. 2. “I have nothing more to add at this time,” he said.

Mum’s the word.  

Democrats will have to decide which is more important – keeping social security, or keeping the absurdly low income cap.   And by “Democrats” I mean people like Chris Coons and Tom Carper, so yeah…we’re screwed.  

Social Security is in the ‘worst public service crisis in memory,’ labor union says. What it may take for services to improve

  • Social Security beneficiaries now confront long waits for service on the phone and in person at the agency’s field offices.

  • Behind the scenes, the agency’s workers face low staffing levels and overwhelming work loads, a union representing more than 40,000 employees said.

Tennessee GOP self-own, parts 2 & 3   

Part 2: Reinstated Tennessee lawmaker and unrepentant Black man Justin Jones, upon his return to the House, explains that if his GQP “colleagues” didn’t like him before, they’re gonna really hate him now

Part 3: Tennessee Speaker doesn’t live in his district. 

Remember last week when Charlie Kirk said that school shootings were “rational” “worth it” & “prudent deal” to preserve 2nd Ammnt?

This week he doesn’t think that conservatives should let murdered children “emotionally hijack the narrative.” 

Kirk continued, “Therefore, you have to be real. And, of course, our hearts go out to the victims in Kentucky for every one of these situations. But we cannot allow them (all the dead kids) to emotionally hijack the narrative.”

CHRISTIANA, Delaware (WPVI) — Delaware state police released an image of three suspects wanted in connection with a shooting at Christiana Mall over the weekend.

Police say three males are being sought after gunfire rang out near the food court on Saturday around 6:43 p.m.

According to investigators, the suspects confronted and assaulted an 18-year-old male victim while exiting the food court.

The victim’s friends then engaged in an altercation with the suspects.

“During the fight, one suspect removed a handgun from his waistband and began firing multiple rounds,” police said in a news release.



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